Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 is a clear decision to the contrary since it laid down unequivocally that an act may be an appropriation notwithstanding that it is done with the consent of the owner .
2 On September 17 Izvestiya reported that the situation had " normalized " , but it became clear later that the dangers had not been fully appreciated at the time due to a lack of sophisticated monitoring equipment .
3 It came so fast that she hardly knew what had happened .
4 It seemed clear then that there would be delayed shock-effects — unpredictable , perhaps quite irrational — at deeper levels of the body politic .
5 It seemed all right that this sad and trembling body should lie in his arms .
6 It seemed long ago that she had left her teenage years behind and faced college and a job with determination .
7 It happened so fast that Mike was left with his arm still outstretched , towards the dinner-jacketed body of his brother .
8 It happened so fast that her mind went into a spin , and she reeled dizzily , her gaze unfocused .
9 The next few gybes were the first I had ever done with speed all the way through the turn , in fact , it happened so quickly that I could n't change the rig fast enough — so then I had to work on the rig change .
10 It borrowed so heavily that the greater part of its peacetime revenue was mortgaged to service and repay its debt .
11 It showed not only that there was no correlation between expenditure and results but that the rather ridiculous pursuit of ideology involving child-centred education led to a reduction in standards because of the pressure on teachers .
12 It grinned so broadly that both ends almost met behind its head .
13 It worked out electronically that it took a fish finger less time to defrost than a leg of lamb , and when your designer-label , calorie-counted tagliatelle was ready for eating , it told you so with five bleeps rather than the paltry three offered by the cheaper models .
14 With the overall dimensions I had been given , it worked out easily that there could be three arches along the front to one at the side .
15 In theory , it takes a few seconds for the machine to recognize a new card , but in practice it worked so fast that when I inserted the Flash RAM card and typed ‘ dir A ’ , the machine responded instantly with a list of the card 's contents .
16 It hurt even more that friends like Tolkien , to whom he had dedicated The Screwtape Letters , could not respond to Lewis 's effusions as ‘ Everyman 's Theologian ’ .
17 And then I decided very reluctantly to have an excavator and for three and a half days it worked down there and erm created a sort of Black Hole Calcutta and put all the stuff it had taken out , it spewed around so that it , there was just mud and no water .
18 Philip of Swabia was already excommunicate at the opening of the contest over the empire — excommunicated by the late Pope Celestine III — and the fact of his excommunication was to act as a severe encumbrance for it meant not only that the excommunicant was without the sacraments of the Church , it also affected dependants and those who had dealings with him .
19 At sea it rolled so violently that passengers on upper decks were far less ill than those in the special saloon .
20 ‘ It is amazing when it works — in the Scottish Open in February against Eva Webster it went so well that I near enough knocked both of us out . ’
21 It went so well that the consultancy is now planning to hold more top notch dinners at Cottons .
22 It proved yet again that despite the Di ‘ love tapes ’ controversy the Princess is still the jewel in the Royal crown .
23 The book traced back the history of the Teutons to an infinitely remote period : and it proved once more that the original German-Teuton race was the true creator of European civilisation .
24 It did so well that the King gave a charter to the ‘ gentlemen adventuring into Hudson 's Bay ’ which allowed them a monopoly of trade in the whole area of the rivers and streams running into the Bay .
25 It emerged much later that the first casualties had been on Thursday night — Konserven , one at Gleiwitz , six at Hohnlinden — who had been dressed as Polish soldiers and shot .
26 It appeared so unexpectedly that it seemed to leap out of the ground .
27 It looked very attractive until it was washed , when it stretched so appallingly that it reached to her knees !
28 The Council was aware of the ‘ high degree of priority and urgency ’ to be attached to this work , but in making the commitment it pointed out also that leaving freedom to colleges to devise and conduct their courses meant that ‘ the consequent interaction between College and Council can stretch over a fair amount of time ’ .
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