Example sentences of "it [vb past] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He contacted E. D. Morel , whose Congo Association had been a model of effective agitation ; Normal Angell , the best known public advocate of pacifism ; and Ramsay MacDonald , who had resigned the leadership of the Labour party when it agreed to vote for the war credits .
2 However , when the results of the referendum were known , it agreed to participate in the new system .
3 The EC Commissioner , Sir Leon Brittan , warned that the UK would be damaged and isolated if it failed to participate in the treaty .
4 It may in perfect good faith have misconstrued the provisions giving it power to act so that it failed to deal with the question remitted to it and decided some question which was not remitted to it .
5 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
6 Legend has it that it was once fired on by a warship because it failed to reply to a signal !
7 Subsequently , it failed to build on the extensive Radio One airplay it was given .
8 Microsoft Corp got a bloody nose when it went head-to-head with Novell Inc and challenged NetWare with LAN Manager , and what it failed to achieve with a full frontal attack , it is now trying to secure by stealth .
9 Alas , US Gold have retained this irritating quirk , and you 've only three credits to play with ( I tried putting a 50p piece into my Commodore when I ran out , but it got jammed between the keys ) .
10 It got blown against a thatch-stone and got killed .
11 It got rid of the space between my teeth , which I did n't like anyway , so some good maybe came out of it after all . ’
12 And nationalisation : that was great because it got rid of the old bosses .
13 It got rid of the crap if I can put it that way , sorted out my priorities .
14 it got hooked on the back of that one with a large paper clip .
15 Yeah , I know , it was killed in the one where it got trapped in the .
16 The shelter that Jenny had found for me was in Camden Town , not too far away , so in order not to arrive there before it got going for the evening , I dawdled a little , window-shopping .
17 It was n't long after the ball got rolling , together with the head of the Eighties opinion formers , that it got going in the wrong direction .
18 But I think that was when I was in the sea holding on to the bit of foam , and more or less just let myself float under the water , but me arm was round the top of the bit of foam , on the surface , and I think it got burnt by the the heat off the platform then .
19 Whereas if it got torn in the hand painted days then you 're talking a long length of time .
20 The government 's announcement this spring that it planned to phase in the seventeen and a half per cent tax over twelve months brought pensioners out onto the streets .
21 It may also be that such service would be regarded as valid on the ground that it amounted to service on the defendant in accordance with the law of the country in which service is effected .
22 As in the first phase of its activity , it sought to rely on a mix of massive public protest with occasional more direct forms of action .
23 This is partly because , as we have seen , the Court of Appeal showed no inclination to formulate a coherent set of sentencing aims for the guidance of sentencers , and partly because the self-regulatory mechanisms on which it sought to rely in the pursuit of its more limited policy objectives were themselves seriously defective .
24 It became entwined with the separate dispute with ASLEF over flexible rostering , which the board had announced would be introduced from July with or without agreement .
25 But if , without derogation of the Divine power , we may conceive the existence of such ministers , and personify them by the term ‘ Nature ’ , we learn from the past history of our globe that she has advanced with slow and stately steps , guided by the archetypical light , amidst the wreck of worlds , from the first embodiment of the Vertebrate idea under its Ichthyic [ fish-like ] vestment , until it became arrayed in the glorious garb of the human form .
26 Local government was no longer boring — it was ‘ where it was at ’ , and it became elevated to a collection of grandiose projects .
27 As new crust emerged at mid-oceanic ridges , they suggested , it became magnetized with the polarity of the prevailing magnetic field ( Fig. 2.13 ) .
28 John Rose set up the famous porcelain factory at Coalport in 1785 , and it became noted for the fine quality of its decoration and lavish gilding .
29 The water , containing zinc , arsenic , mercury , copper , nickel and cadmium , poured from the Wheal Jane mine after it became flooded as a result of the ending of pumping operations earlier in the year .
30 The reason that it became discredited on the scale and at the speed that it did was due to the efforts of the gentleman who introduced it , the right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) .
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