Example sentences of "it [adv] [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Newbery puts it rather differently for Britain : cars using city centres at rush hour , he calculates , incur marginal costs more than 100 times higher than cars on the average motorway or country road .
2 In her reactionary way — for Lili had been brought up by an independent , feminist mother — she thought it all right for men to carry suitcases but not bags of washing .
3 But then there was a knock on the door , the messenger unlocked it and stuck his head in , asking : ‘ Is it all right for coffee now , sir ? ’
4 ‘ Why do all the other flats take it so placidly for Heaven 's sake ? ’
5 A lonely childhood , a youthful longing for adventure , made it easy enough for Dick to lay aside his devotion to an almost legendary father and to dedicate himself to the service of a man who gave him the emotional security and incentive he had lacked for so long .
6 Why was it originally only for women ?
7 This Charnwood Forest granite is so hard that there was no known way of dressing it well enough for building purposes until the nineteenth century , but it was used for millstones and supplied road metal and kerbstones to London and other parts of England .
8 But I know that he made it very hard for Sheila .
9 Apprehension about the Spaniards turned out to be unjustified ; they had serious problems with the Dutch , who were moving forward in the West Indies , and also with the trade winds , that blew from the east and made it very hard for ships from the Spanish Main or from the larger islands like Cuba to reach the smaller islands .
10 The extent of unpredictable change makes it very hard for Mr Kinnock to plan his Shadow Cabinet reshuffle in advance of the election results .
11 He really scents the difficulty but thinks it too hard for discussion and so conveniently pretends that he has not seen it .
12 LIKE your correspondent I think the RSPCA makes it too hard for people to adopt pets — it refused to consider us because our garden was not fully fenced , even though there 's half an acre of it well away from a main road .
13 As I say , I 've always been like it that far for ages .
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