Example sentences of "it [adv] mean [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It is clever because it effectively means that the broadcasters will have to censor themselves .
2 As it happened , it merely meant that the monster had sprouted two heads .
3 Of course that does n't mean that she does n't leave her home to work , it just means that the home is where she visualizes herself , wherever she is …
4 If the tail swings very vigorously from side to side it usually means that the animal is about to attack , if it can summon up that last ounce of aggression .
5 If you 're asking a civil engineer to do some work for you i if that civil engineer has a degree does it automatically mean that the work 's going to be perfect and wonderful ?
6 However , it also meant that the sort of movements which normally flow through Clough had to be accurate to the point of perfection if they were not to be enmeshed in blue shirts .
7 It also meant that the boys could see in and witness the general untidiness of his tiny room .
8 So although the absence of key workers in Newham meant that there were few boundary disputes , it also meant that the development officer could become very closely involved in organising other services , and perhaps feel that other services took advantage of the Home Support Project and showed less involvement than would have been necessary without the project .
9 It also meant that the larger firms , particularly those with large criminal practices , could flood the rota with partners and assistant solicitors .
10 It also meant that the police were immediately involved when serious disputes arose between labour and employers .
11 Oh aye aye er there was always that in the back of their mind that the the more rivets they put in per day , although it meant more money at the end of the week possibly , er it also meant that the the boat was therefore progressing or the ship was progressing that quick , that they were getting nearer the gate as the the saying went .
12 It also meant that the bathroom would be free for her to wash her hair .
13 While it freed him from a form of dependency — his succession to the LDP leadership had been achieved with the faction 's support — it also meant that the future of his premiership would depend on the skill with which he was able to balance the party 's competing factions — including his own — all of which were of roughly equal strength .
14 This not only makes it unlikely that employers will allow many such sessions per day ( and that is a disadvantage scientifically ) but it also means that the tests , particularly by virtue of necessarily being repetitive , are boring for the subject .
15 It also means that the males and females are not unrelated animals .
16 It also means that the infectious period , roughly estimated in the male as up to ten days , on average , is considerably longer in the female .
17 It also means that the laboratory can now by linked by the same AIX operating systems as the rest of the company .
18 It also means that the feral dogs are acquiring genetic material that could turn them into dangerous carnivores in grand style .
19 It also means that the unit is easily attached to the wall if required .
20 It also means that the speaker hears his or her own voice and this acts as a check that the system is working .
21 It also means that the irritability level is as small as a speedfreak 's willy and therefore ‘ Playing With My Heart ’ is n't exactly hit city .
22 It also means that the Scottish international 's disciplinary hearing due to take place at the Football Association this afternoon has been called off .
23 It also means that the choice of background colour is vital .
24 This allows more scope for using softer materials and complicated designs but it also means that the outer fabric can get wet , though you stay dry inside .
25 This means that the budget is in itself an important part of financial accountability and it also means that the final accounts often include , for comparative purposes , budgetary information .
26 It also means that the research door is more likely to be opened to us ( and to other researchers ) the next time .
27 It also means that the manager receives no plaudits for doing what ought already to have been done since .
28 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
29 Not only does this ensure rapid response and lower noise levels ; it also means that the heating and ventilation work when the Clio is at a standstill .
30 It probably means that the average family is a much more relaxed affair than the traditional Scottish household used to be , but it goes some way towards explaining the numbers of children at risk in our society from adults outside the home , as well as from their own undisciplined emotions .
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