Example sentences of "it [prep] his [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 People said I did it for his money but that was n't true .
2 Three decades late he spoke it for his parents and his siblings , thinking that the kindly keeper who bent over him was perhaps , after all , SS Sergeant Gustav Wagner , or SS Sergeant Karl Frenzel or …
3 ‘ Be quiet , child , ’ said Philip , laying a hand restrainingly on Harry 's arm , though he would have preferred to lay it about his ears if he could have had him to himself for a moment .
4 He wanted it as his epitaph and left it in a letter passed to his parents on his death .
5 The hut was home to some lizards and to the island 's one taxi driver who had sequestered it as his office and gasoline store .
6 Compensation had to be fought for , it was n't a matter of right , and a piece of a very small piece of coal fell down the shaft , the onsetter 's the man at the bottom , and it through his hand and he got compensation and then my father was sacked for the shovel .
7 He held it between his paws and nibbled feebly .
8 He kissed the lobe of her ear , taking it between his teeth and teasing it with his tongue .
9 Holly took the bread and tugged it between his fingers and wolfed it to his mouth .
10 ‘ Your husband must be a very rich man to give you such a ring , ’ he said , turning it between his thumb and forefinger .
11 Donaldson rescued the bowl and placed it between his feet as he sat down .
12 ‘ This one , ’ said Antinou , pulling out a sample and rubbing it between his finger and thumb .
13 He caught hold of her hand and pushed it between his legs and ground his mouth against hers .
14 It seemed almost too heavy for him to lift but he managed it , resting it against his leg and swinging it along as she held the door open for him .
15 She raised her glass to break it against his face but he intercepted her , snatching it from her hand .
16 and he chucks it into , bungs it into his machine and then gets the printout then which he then sends to wherever .
17 Then your Inspector took it into his head that I 'd done it .
18 Jodie Cooper from Australia told me that she had been out at Haleiwa when Johnny Boy got it into his head that she had robbed him of his wave .
19 For instance , when Oliver Reed made his now famous appearance with slightly more than a little Dutch courage inside him , he suddenly took it into his head that he wanted to sing .
20 In 1577 Gregory XIII took it into his head that the ‘ Gregorian ’ chant itself needed reform and entrusted the task to Palestrina and a Papal contralto , Annibale Zoilo .
21 But if he gets it into his head that you 're a spy … .
22 For starters , he might get it into his head that she was jealous .
23 It is extraordinary that the Minister should take it into his head that he knows better than people in the museums world , and impose upon them a period that nobody asked for — indeed , everybody asked for the opposite .
24 For some reason the barman got it into his head that I was the boss of your TV station .
25 I er , but Gordon was , sort of got it into his head that er they were .
26 He will do if he gets it into his head but he got in trouble you see , got in with the wrong crowd and
27 He took it into his garage and emerged five minutes later looking pale and drawn .
28 Indian youngster handled England 's other bowlers with ease , he looked in tremendous form but when Botham came on and bowled him a harmless straight one , somehow managed to edge it into his pads and nearly played on .
29 ‘ I 've been trying to get it into his thinking that he has to do more running , that he has to fight more and that there are defensive duties he has to do . ’
30 He crammed it into his pocket and bludgeoned his way rudely through the first-night crowd .
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