Example sentences of "it [be] my [noun sg] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 About the only decent argument I 've heard on this , I have to say that because it was my daughter who advanced it , about the only decent argument I have heard is the one about badger baiting where she said to me but badger baiting is not allowed on your land and that is the point precisely that Mr made , it is not allowed because that is the law of the land and that is where decisions about the permission or otherwise of fox hunting should be made .
2 Perhaps it was my uncle who sent you ? ’
3 It was my Maker who offended against me , acting so unfatherly against one who never asked to be born in any unnatural way .
4 We lost a farm 's work through something like this ; only it was my boss who was involved — and it turned out all right in the end .
5 It was my ex who got me fixed up with the job ; Dizzy owed him , and he owed me maintenance for Jed , and I wanted to get away from town and get involved in something where I could start to 69 respect myself again … everything kind of fitted into place .
6 You might guess it was my dad who first pointed out this odd ( and classically Chaotic ) phenomenon and brought it to the attention of us kids .
7 It was my headmaster who suggested I used both names and so that 's what I did .
8 To the end of his days , he believed that his ten shillings a week pension kept him , but of course it was my father who kept the two homes going .
9 It was my father who started me off , about three years after we moved into the village dad joined the Debenham Players the local amateur dramatics society .
10 ‘ I think she might have been with a bit of persuasion ; it was my father who was against it .
11 It was my father who encouraged me as a high jumper .
12 It was my mother who brought me to my senses .
13 So it was my mother who pointed the police in the right direction .
14 He broke all records , but it was my mother who filled in the forms .
15 It was my mother who taught me to cook and who taught me too about being a mother .
16 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
17 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
18 It was my husband who insisted I learn to shoot . ’
19 It was my husband who was interested in him , ’ she said a little sadly .
20 I thought it would have got better by itself — it was my son who made me call the doctor ’
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