Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] know [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because if you do n't , ’ said Owen , ‘ I shall let it be generally known that Andrus has been giving money to the Moslems for them to use against Copts . ’
2 It 's already known that women who take the contraceptive pill are much less likely to develop it .
3 And it 's also known that breastmilk has a special value for babies most vulnerable to infection , for example those born ill or premature .
4 To the actress Joyce Carey in the crowded foyer of the Old Vic : ‘ But Joyce , it 's well known that Shakespeare sucked Bacon dry . ’
5 It 's well known that the universe verse is infinite .
6 It 's well known that Maurice likes a night out but the media attention he gets in Britain makes it difficult for him to enjoy it .
7 This is an affect well known in some domesticated animals like sheep , it 's well known that if sheep are , if , if , if , if ewes are well fed just before they mate , they 're much more likely to er to twin than if they 're er not given extra food supplement and nowadays erm farmers wh wh who , who breed sheep for lambing er frequently feed , feed ewes a special diet just before er conception for that very reason , the rate of twinning increases .
8 I have a reputation for honesty and fair trading — and it 's well known that I do n't have any truck with shady deals , ’ she informed him bluntly .
9 But it 's now known that Mrs Law was last seen alive just after lunchtime on Sunday .
10 Meanwhile , it 's now known that two other people from the Central South region were among the one hundred and sixty seven passengers killed .
11 It 's now known that more than 100 people are H I V positive following treatment here .
12 It is widely known that there are harmful effects from inhalation of outfall from a lead works ; for children who ingest it by licking lead-painted toys ; and for families whose drinking water is supplied through lead pipes .
13 It is widely known that the new repository will run on AIX and OS/2 , but it may surprise many that the thing is also up under OS/400 as well as on Ultrix , HP-UX and Solaris and that IBM has funded development work internally for it to appear on these non-IBM versions .
14 However , it is widely known that only a small proportion of such qualifying mergers are referred , and further that vertical mergers are a small proportion of the total .
15 It is well known that many children in Romanian hospitals have been infected with HIV through reused needles , syringes and infected blood transfusions .
16 It is well known that they always develop their more satisfying choreographic ideas when working with a group of dancers whose abilities they know .
17 It is well known that only a great dancer-artist can suggest the development of the sixteen-year-old Aurora , happy at her birthday , into the dreamy figure the Prince meets in the woodland glade and on to her final entrance as a triumphant princess fully awake to her responsibilities as Queen-to-be .
18 It is well known that the personal characteristics of a participant observer affect their research practice ( see Hunt 1984 ; Warren 1988 ; Warren and Rasmussen 1977 ; Wax 1979 ) , and that being female brings its own problems in the field .
19 They have written that ‘ It is well known that the great Soviet pedagogue , A. S. Makarenko , succeeded in forming a genuine Soviet collective of charges only after a Komsomol organization was established in his colony . ’
20 It is well known that trees grow by the addition of rings , usually ( though not always ) annually .
21 While it is well known that machair may extend as much as 2 km inland in South Uist , less well known is the altitude to which blown shell sand exerts an ecological influence : the dunes at Luskentyre Banks ( NG 0699 ) are up to 35 m high , while the presence of large amounts of wind-blown shell fragments is evident from the presence of charophytes in lochs on Tairaval ( NB 1135 ) ( Angus , unpublished NCC report ) and at Mangersta ( NB 0131 ) ( Biagi et al 1985 ) , both sites being more than 50 m above sea level .
22 It is well known that a type of osteoporosis , a demineralisation of the bone , occurs when vertebrates spend time in microgravity .
23 It is well known that he organized the transportation of Dürer 's Rosenkranzfest ( a painting full of Habsburg symbolism , including the portraits of Maximilian I and Pope Julius II ) across the Alps from Venice , with four bearers to hold it upright .
24 And it is well known that , being required to prepare designs for a useless and costly object by one of our leading nobility , long since deceased , one of princely fortune , but who had an extravagant passion for building , he purposely appealed to the son to advise his father to give the intention ’ .
25 It is well known that Pythagoras ' belief in the significance of numbers was supported by his alleged discovery , with the aid of a stringed instrument , that the concordant intervals of the musical scale correspond to simple numerical ratios .
26 It is well known that the Albanians , who predominate in Kosovo and in parts of western Macedonia , tend to have very large families , Such rapid rates of growth of population in areas of poverty and high unemployment are naturally a matter of great concern to the authorities .
27 But it is well known that the provision of advice services nationally is uneven and as the best.known generalist advice agency , the CAB feels that it would be failing the wider community if it did not consider what barriers may be preventing people from approaching a CAB for advice .
28 It is well known that the majority of dementia sufferers living at home receive the main part of their care from family , friends and neighbours ( see for example Bergmann , 1978 ; Levin et al , 1983 ) .
29 It is well known that managers in general make very limited use of external publicly available information sources for strategic ( or , indeed , frequently for any other ) purposes .
30 In the field of cancer therapy it is well known that irradiation can cause tumours and yet they can also be treated by radiation and many of the drugs used in chemotherapy for tumours can also cause tumours .
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