Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , Hart is highly critical of Devlin 's identification of society with its shared morality and he further accuses Devlin of conceiving of morality as a ‘ seamless web ’ , so that those who deviate from one part of it are almost bound to deviate from the whole .
2 The steering file and the modules listed within it are then verified to ensure that :
3 Only from here could it be reasonably expected to take off .
4 I thought for a while that the information would just go on accumulating from here on in , but thank God it 's already begun dropping off .
5 However , it 's already outlawed using the plates on public roads and now it 's to ban their sale .
6 ( If so , it 's probably presumed to have been slightly cut . )
7 It 's probably set to go off if the cat pisses on the potatoes . ’
8 CAS : The Communicating Software Specification standard is n't confined to fax modems — it 's mostly used to network a single fax card .
9 Er it 's simply meant to say that any gift that the Holy Spirit gives you is a perfect thing , and it 's erm that seven there it 's erm it 's just trying to bring that idea across .
10 It 's also refused to approve an alternative route to the West , telling the planners they must think again .
11 It 's well proven having been shipped since nineteen eighty seven but provides new advanced technology with the new System Ten release .
12 Ah it 's fucking chlorinated to fuck .
13 Now that it 's eventually started happening , I find that my attitude is one of high indignation .
14 B , B G H or something , it 's heavily starred Have you got it ?
15 But if you look deeper into it , you 'll find that it 's really calculated to give us inferior education and deny us full rights as human beings .
16 We know now that it 's really needed to count the vessels because we will get definitely more information .
17 And course we 're doing a lot of counting today this wrist is a you know I do n't mind that you see what did that wrist was that elbow I had to have a second operation on it , in the arm up here because er I had to have some bone taken away in the elbow course it stretched guiders but they also erm disturbed the wrist joint because it was in plaster like that stretched round and disturbed the wrist joint and I ke it 's it weakened it and it 's only just it 's only just this what last nine months that it 's that it 's really started to effect this but I know what it is that 's because I keep going out doing the odd jobs
18 would it be possible for me to pay my half of that and the s pay the other half because I 'm not i it it 's really started to worry me and concern me a lot
19 ‘ Nothing in this marvellous list ’ says Milton ‘ was as fine as Eden ’ and of course it hurts him to say it , and I do n't think it 's far fetched to detect that hurt and pain of that great sacrifice that John Milton is making in the rhythm when we read ‘ Might with this paradise of Eden strive ’ , or in the fact that he ca n't stop there , because I did n't — as you will have realized from Bentley 's comment — I did n't read you the whole passage .
20 For prospective fathers in search of a guaranteed macho activity which also merits innumerable brownie points , Odent says water birth are the remedy : ‘ First you build the birthing pool , then you fill it , then it 's almost bound to go wrong . ’
21 It 's never stopped raining , you realise .
22 Orcadian dialect it 's often said has no words of endearment no dears or darlings but I think perhaps came as near to it as any word .
23 It 's specially formulated to cut through grease and dirt and to wipe away germs , leaving surfaces and floors not just clean but hygienically clean .
24 It 's absolutely smashed to pulp .
25 New uses for aspirin keep emerging and it 's now thought to help prevent heart attacks , strokes , arthritis and even some forms of cancer .
26 It 's now expected to become a tourist attraction .
27 Now , if you use any financial monitor that we have , and bearing in mind the size of the task , any critical analysis will reveal that this Council , under Labour , can definitely say that it 's met the challenge and it 's certainly started to make the change .
28 This month , our Top Ten features the best 486SX machines we 've reviewed over the past 18 months , and it 's all designed to make your buying decisions easier .
29 The RedMan suit may inspire shouts of ‘ RoboCop ’ , but it 's actually intended to give bobbies protection in potentially violence situations .
30 So it 's actually manage , it 's actually managed to get a bar to er invite people in and not drink alcohol ?
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