Example sentences of "it [be] [conj] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 Could it be that 't is not the younger prince who has stolen her heart ?
2 On one he inscribed Michelet 's words : ‘ How can it be that there is in the world one woman alone — deserted ? ’
3 Could it be that there is a nip in the air ?
4 I hope you think that this is important more important to you as it were than it is , is to us because you the clubs and the sailing schools really really must take these sorts of messages on board , not perhaps all of that list there but I would pick out erm that the message that we want to get across to young people , I would pick out the words fun , the words challenging , the words safe , alright .
5 There may be good reasons for it being as it is , but it could be different , and is different in other countries .
6 The reason why it 's before you is because of the local plan
7 I know there 's an explanation and it 's that she is n't responsible .
8 It 's like somebody is watching it all for you … ’
9 I mean if it 's if it is a war memorial which it is
10 But if Prince pleases , in music , in bed , it 's because nothing is ever done just to please .
11 In case anyone is wondering why there has n't been any coverage of LASMO 's tournament-winning broomball team recently , it 's because there is no ice on the Broadgate rink .
12 I must point out about is n't just the Guild a lot of people think it is but it is a good focal point to find out what 's going on and meet people .
13 For our purposes , what matters about it is that it is an all-or-none signal , with an amplitude that does not attenuate as it travels along the axon .
14 If the painting says anything , it is that it is the innocents , the children who suffer .
15 If the painting says anything , it is that it is the innocents , the children who suffer .
16 ‘ If there was a problem with this piece it is that it is not unique ’ , said Millerand .
17 It is often not difficult to determine that relationship , but the point about it is that it is not but must be figured out by every reader .
18 If there 's one thing that is clear about desktop publishing it is that it is NOT publishing , a fact that often seems to escape those who sell it .
19 But let us be clear about just what it is that it is seeing .
20 The most that can be claimed for it is that it is ingenious .
21 The thing about it is that it is not death of the body that is important to us , it 's the soul .
22 The disparity between the revenue raised by the BBC in Scotland and the resources allocated by London to Scotland , reported today , highlights just how crucial is the debate over the BBC 's charter and how vital it is that it is made much more prominent in Scottish life .
23 It is that there is an obligation to go to Catholic school …
24 It is that there is no community to appeal to ; for the phenomenon itself is the evidence that there is more than one community , or a divided community .
25 It is not that she does not know what to say , it is that there is not enough time to say all she knows .
26 The second strong PR option would be to take the opposite line , to say how outrageous it is that there is all this terrible auditing going on , and to promise painful retribution for the wrongdoers .
27 That may be a ‘ price worth paying ’ to relieve recession , but if economics tells us anything it is that there is no such thing as a free lunch .
28 It is that there is more spoken dialogue .
29 The way I would see it is that there is a need for a broad consensus between government , IDB , LEDU , DED and all the various government agencies and community groups , economists and experts and the people on the ground themselves , because I do n't think the government has it within their power to solve the problem and I do n't think experts have it within their power to solve the problem .
30 However , if there is anything clear in the muddied waters of postmodernism , it is that there is no such thing as " raw " data .
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