Example sentences of "it [be] [pron] [noun sg] go " in BNC.

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1 Some officers think it 's their duty to go around , you know , ‘ Right , we 've got the keys and you ai n't going nowhere . ’
2 It 's your turn to go in now , ’ she was saying .
3 ‘ I 'm right at the peak of my career now , and it 's my ambition to go for the ‘ grand slam ’ , ’ said Gunnell , after winning the 400m , her first race in Britain for five months .
4 Mam would n't say anything because she did n't want to throw it in his face that it was her money going down his throat .
5 After three weeks it was my turn to go to the delivery ward at Fulmer .
6 And it was my turn to go wide-eyed , for the leader was a woman , possessing every anatomical aspect of femaleness in glorious Amazonian splendour .
7 It was my turn to go to the bank for the wages and I remember going back to the shop saying King George VI had died .
8 It was my job to go into it , and I simply did my job .
9 It was my job to go to all these various places and collect the money and take the numbers on the till and collect the money and put it in a bag , put it in the safe .
10 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
11 We , I used , erm the school were next to that so I , it was my job to go and , on you know the scrap
12 And then sailed from Montreal , I was going to go back my , it was my intention to go back to New York , but I changed my mind at Montreal and sailed down the St Lawrence from Montreal , back to Glasgow .
13 This visit , he told Alice as the train took them back to London later that evening , had been a very happy one and it was his intention to go down to Calking to see them all again very soon .
14 With the situation now rapidly approaching a critical point , on April 13th. , Richard Baxter decided it was his duty to go to London and throw the weight of his own influence behind moves for the restoration of Charles II to the throne of England .
15 It was his habit to go for a run round his island every day before breakfast , and that morning , because rain was forecast for the rest of the day , he 'd taken advantage of the brief spell of fine weather early on to gather up driftwood from the beach after his run .
16 When it was our turn to go in , we found Our Father looking sinister in the candlelight .
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