Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Though his list and its implications have been largely ignored by writers on the Muftilik , apart from a passing nod from Mustakimzade , his view was adopted directly , indirectly or independently by Hezarfen , d'Ohsson and Hammer , and echoes of it are occasionally found in other authors .
2 The railway and the many stories about it are usually mentioned in guidebooks as being one of the local points of interest .
3 Wilson knew that some visiting Americans had let it be widely known in Florence that they considered Mrs Browning little more than a ghost and though she had laughed such gossip to scorn she now saw there was perhaps real cause for alarm .
4 Will it be quietly forgotten in the next boom period ( whenever that might be ) ?
5 The Alexander technique would be invaluable if it were properly included in all drama training programmes .
6 For John Simon , it was ‘ so puny a play that if it were not extended in all directions by Dustin Hoffman 's life-giving performance , it would barely be discernible to the naked eye .
7 Such a strategy would have to be very carefully designed , however , if it were not to result in a huge explosion of word hypotheses .
8 Startlingly bold as this idea is , the arguments for it were initially contained in just the first thirty-three short sections of the Principles .
9 A disclaimer would not be effective if it were merely contained in the small print of a contract or if it were simply the subject of a casual remark by the salesman during negotiations .
10 If it were now fixed in Kenamun 's mind that Surere was the killer , another murder would be all that would save Merymose 's neck .
11 I think that John has suggested that much of what the critics are now getting up to , where it 's new it 's false , and where it is true , it 's already subsumed in Darwin 's theory as modified by John Maynard-Smith .
12 Bill the and John started holding hands about a year ago and it 's already resulted in their engagement and it 's clear that they 're planning their big day for the summer of next year !
13 It 's something cold , and it 's already sitting in the fridge .
14 It 's already started in America , where they were just as mad about the Russians as the British .
15 It 's probably covered in germs ! ’
16 They can only hopes it 's not repeated in the Commons .
17 it 's not pronounced in mine , but , some er they say that with where it 's gone away , you know , there 's all sorts of things that can prove it I mean the obvious thing is we came from somewhere did n't we ? , we did n't just drop here with a flash of light and er they 've studied plants and other animals and they evolved .
18 And even though ‘ Trout ’ has a message , it 's not done in a tedious , obvious way — it does n't hammer you over the head . ’
19 What would be the point of the evidence if it 's not implicating in trial ?
20 It , it depends on just what these things are for , because if think about a third level document as being something like the T G I manual , that 's got to be mandatory , you 've got no choice in it because it 's not covered in procedures , it 's got to be that .
21 Er yes Mr Chairman , I mean I assume this thing gives us a fairly embryonic stage , I hope it 's not intended in any way as a finished article , it seems to me in many cases er a state into the obvious er I 'd hope that our employees would be polite people , erm you know this is a great step forward to putting down on a paper , I do n't know , but I mean
22 So few people know first aid ( for some strange reason it 's not taught in most schools ) that you may be the only one who can plug the wound and stop the bleeding .
23 it 's not taught in schools .
24 So it 's a suggestion at the moment , it 's not a firm proposal , it 's not fixed in concrete and I would hate anyone to think that that was the case .
25 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
26 It 's not used in great quantities in the reaction .
27 That 's good , you 're using up all the adrenaline , it 's not remaining in your bloodstream .
28 As far as I know it 's not putting in any money at all .
29 Their view of the world is contained in the belief ‘ if it 's not happening in the domestic market , it 's not happening at all ’ .
30 I mean would , would , would n't you think it is a , a directive that if it 's not happening in your area you make it happen ?
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