Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Respectable journals which reckoned to cover the whole of science refused to publish psychical research ; reports and discussions of it were unwelcome at meetings of scientific societies ; and involvement in it had at best an ambiguous effect on a scientist 's career .
2 You can serve it hot , but it 's better at room temperature .
3 It 's nice at Bath .
4 Thus far in it 's all at State level .
5 it 's all at Highbury .
6 It 's all at Highbury .
7 I know but it even when it 's not foggy here it 's foggy at East Leek .
8 We 're told it 's good at garbage collecting , has built-in exception handling and strong type checking .
9 The band have just released a new EP , Firefly , and it 's available at Ben 's Collectors Records in Farnham and Collectors Record Centre in Guildford .
10 It 's available at £1.30 plus 35p p&p , from NCT ( Maternity Sales ) , Alexandra House , Oldham Terrace , London W3 6NH .
11 There is a between L 1 and L 3 units of labour total product is rising but at a decreasing rate that therefore implies that a marginal product of labour between those two imput levels is positive but but falling notice that total product curve peaks at L 3 right , so it 's maximum at L 3 units of labour of that curve at that particular point zero , therefore , the marginal product labour is zero .
12 Yes , I know , yes but I mean it 's interesting at lunch time I had a , I had a working lunch with someone and a month after we had finished all the work and stuff , we got on to a whole pile of other things and , and I was talking about some of the -ists and one of the -ists I was talking about was feminism and how I 'd been in an amazing meeting a few weeks ago where you know I used that word and the women , it was all a meeting with women , the women there had absolutely freaked at the use of the word feminism and feminists .
13 ‘ But I think the way we played at Leeds he was something of a luxury sometimes — there were times when even his team mates did n't know what he woeld do next ’ ‘ It 's different at Scumchester United where they really do play through him — AND OF COURSE HE 'S ALSO SURROUNDED BY BETTER PLAYERS ’ …
14 But er , it 's difficult it 's difficult at sea .
15 Your work is so rewarding , even though it 's unpleasant at times .
16 If started early in the morning , it 's ready at night . ’
17 Please make sure it 's ready at reception . ’
18 It is close at hand .
19 It is unclear at present what the proposal will say about London Weighting ( LW ) .
20 Meanwhile , the Bush Administration has promised new plans on protecting the owl , although it is unclear at present as to how much logging will be permitted under them .
21 We feel it is impossible at present because of the Commonwealth . ’
22 It is rare at Lanhydrock for there not to be a magnolia in flower .
23 I have worked out a table which shows the visibility , or otherwise , of some of the brightest stars as seen from different places : C indicates that the star is circumpolar ; V , that it is visible at times ; and a dash , that it never rises .
24 It is fashionable at present to suggest that the school curriculum should be relevant .
25 It is possible that these differences reflect the availability of suitable timber , but it is difficult at present to determine the extent of woodland at a sufficient level of detail .
26 The hilarious final rush of actions dominates the tale , and may provide a form of comic catharsis by which not only are potentially grave moral images and considerations emptied of their solemnity , but also the sympathy that it is difficult at times not to feel for the poor dupe , John , faithfully and helplessly in love with his wife , is overwhelmed by the sheer absurdity of this all-embracing climax .
27 But it is different at home .
28 In places where it is light at night , robins are the most commonly heard songsters , and dunnocks and song thrushes are quite often heard too .
29 It is tempting at times to ask ‘ where is the inner city ? ’
30 It was late at night and I decided , I was just sort of talking I 'd say , I ca n't get rid of this headache , and I do n't know what I 'm gon na do , I do n't whether I should just not worry about it cos I 'm not that old , and I was really pouring my heart out to him , and he turns round and he says , yeah , you need a new clutch you really need a new clutch .
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