Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only for the black bean aphid Aphis fabae has it been possible to develop over the last 25 years an effective system to predict migration several months ahead to advise farmers when to spray .
2 Would it be possible to donate by monthly instalments ?
3 ‘ Would it be possible to speak to Comrade Charsky ? ’ she said mockingly in Kropotkin 's husky , languid , somewhat condescending tones .
4 Would it be possible to speak to Oliver ?
5 Would it be possible to speak with the ladies of the harem , Mahmoud asked diffidently .
6 First of all ‘ society ’ , as distinct from the State , had to be isolated and analysed , and secondly an attempt had to be made at understanding the evolution of society , since only then would it be possible to understand under what circumstances the State evolved and what its historical significance was .
7 Would n't it be simpler to sneak into his room and attack him there ?
8 for example , would it be appropriate to attribute as an expression of parliamentary intention a ministerial assurance on the effect of a provision which was given and accepted in the Lords when considering a Bill which had already been passed by the Commons ?
9 Would not it be easy to accede to the commissioner 's request to change the three points in the regulation which the Commission says are defective and deal with Crown immune areas , reduce the latitude given to authorities and ensure that environmental assessments are recorded in writing so that we have proper regulations and proper environmental impact assessments ?
10 Is now a good time to buy an annuity , or would it be better to wait for rates to go back up again ?
11 Would it be better to go for an automatic or power steering now ?
12 ‘ Would n't it be better to love like that for a little while than never to know what it is like ? ’ she asked herself silently .
13 ‘ Would n't it be better to break into the house with Jackie and see for ourselves ? ’
14 There was a short silence as they both drank coffee , and then Miriam said sharply , ‘ Why should it be odd to refer to the infant in the neuter ?
15 Would it be right to conclude from the Prime Minister 's remarks about the limitations on deficits that he completely rejects the 3 per cent .
16 Would it be right to conclude from his remarks also that in place of the stipulations that exist — which are much too rigid and impractical to be accepted — he would allow the co-ordination of deficits by the market ?
17 Only when a project manager has reached a fairly high level in a company hierarchy will it be necessary to deal with the whole of the tendering process .
18 The more this is done , the more inflexible will planning become , the less will it be able to adapt to changing circumstances , the greater is the likelihood of conflict between policies , and the more confusing the situation will be .
19 So would it be ten divided by three hundred and sixty ?
20 This means that , even if it were possible to deal with free-riders by making them breathe dirty air , it would be economically inefficient to do so .
21 If it were possible to yell for my Ma , that 's what I 'd be doing .
22 If ever it were possible to agree upon a scheme of regional government , then there might be a basis for regional representation , but attempts at this have so far failed .
23 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
24 The ‘ unit of desire ’ however , is admitted to be a presumption , but if it were possible to prove with scientific exactitude that it really existed then it would not be within the province of religion at all , but of science .
25 ‘ I 'm — I 'm sorry , ’ Chesarynth said automatically , trying to look as though it were normal to stand on one leg with her skirt round her knees .
26 And the same when it came to er subtracting , you see , it were all done on the board and you copied it onto your plate On to your slate .
27 At a meeting in mid-September , the government indicated that if IFAW were able to increase income from international ecotourism involving the seals and if it were willing to provide for independent assistance with additional research on the interactions between Cape fur seals and fisheries , it too would be willing to consider announcing a moratorium on the killing of seals , perhaps as early as 1 January 1992 .
28 It is perhaps remarkable how predictable ( though not exactly inflexible ) the operation of a modern airliner is , even to the extent of it being possible to know within small limits what the pilots will be doing at any particular time .
29 That is , it is possible to hold as true a number of theories about the world , it being impossible to choose between them on strictly evidential grounds .
30 ‘ You were right , of course , about it being impossible to carry through the fantasy look and dress Therese as a fairy heroine .
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