Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] as be " in BNC.

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1 Does this difference constitute a part of the variable capital or should it be considered as being part of the social surplus-value ?
2 It 's classed as being a conifer but it looks nothing like one .
3 If it fails to do so it is condemned as being ‘ reformist ’ , or ‘ liberal ’ or even ‘ racist ’ .
4 It is calculated as being the price per 1 nominal at which the bond delivered has a yield to maturity of 9 per cent .
5 Although its ultimate destruction has left no trace of the shrine 's location or size in the cathedral , it is recorded as being amply covered in gold and jewels .
6 It is seen as being a vital component in the effort to regenerate the rural economy in North Wales .
7 An extremely useful model of the meaning of a word , which can be extracted from the contextual relations , is one in which it is viewed as being made up , at least in part , of the meanings of other words .
8 My Lord it is pleaded as being a matter of er common practice amongst solicitors in this kind of situation er for such advice to be given and my Lord er if you turn to the folio of their particulars erm which were given I think it 's the final book , what are called the voluntary further and better particulars which in fact were the final particulars er given towards the end of the bundle of documents .
9 elevate the criminal justice into a ‘ community service ’ — it is presented as being above politics and dispensing ' justice for all' irrespective of class , race , sex , or religion — this further legitimates the state and those whose interests it wittingly , or otherwise , furthers ;
10 It is regarded as being more important that the new appointee be familiar with the aims and methods which Highlander endorses rather than necessarily be able to present the best paper qualifications for the advertised job .
11 To ensure that this is so it must be agreed that it is regarded as being beyond the capacity of the individual to alter , that is , it has to become ‘ sacred ’ , or enshrined in a ‘ god ’ .
12 It is credited as being one of the most professional courses available to carpet retailers in the U.K.
13 The State then becomes necessary because in The Origin as in the other works it is revealed as being one of the mechanisms for ensuring the continuing domination of the higher classes .
14 A person may falsely believe that the horizontal moon , because it is perceived as being larger , must be presenting a larger appearance .
15 ‘ This is one of the Australian birds ’ , noted Gould in his Handbook , ‘ which particularly attracted the notice of the earlier voyagers to that country , by nearly every one of whom it is mentioned as being very plentiful on all the islands in Bass 's Straits , and so tame that it might be easily knocked down with sticks or even captured by hand ; during my sojourn in the country I visited many of the localities above mentioned , and found that , so far from being still numerous , it is almost extirpated ; I killed a pair on Isabella Island , one of a small group near Flinder 's Island , on the 12th January 1839 . ’
16 It is reported as being in excellent condition .
17 In the case of the price elasticity of demand , since the products of the dominant firms and of the blenders are being treated as imperfect substitutes , it is interpreted as being the effect of an equiproportionate rise in the price of the two products on total fertilizer expenditure E. Therefore , letting and , where and are initial prices and P is the proportional change factor , the aggregate expenditure for fertilizers can be written as :
18 The conspiracy theory of racism makes sense of a particular social reality : it is because the police force , which is supposed to uphold justice and protect ethnic minorities from racist attacks , is itself responsible for so much of the violence and injustice suffered by black communities that it is experienced as being part of the same oppressive system as the gang of white unemployed youth who are beating up people on the street .
19 The time ranged from half an hour a day to 13 hours a day , depending on whether devolution was viewed as a separate activity concerned only with finance or whether it was seen as being curriculum driven and/or inseparable from all the activities performed by a head in a working day .
20 It was seen as being opposed to liberalism , as opposed to nationalism and perhaps there were , there were er , there were , there were good reasons er for that .
21 Again , because it was seen as being you know , an area of bad payers .
22 When the potato was first introduced into the British diet it was regarded as being an aphrodisiac .
23 For separatists to impose their solution on all women , even if it was viewed as being ‘ for her own good ’ , you can not escape the fact that you are simply replacing male domination with female .
24 The Belle continued in service for twenty years until 1978 , when it was withdrawn as being uneconomic to rewire to modern standards .
25 It is vital never to grant them absolute rights over nomenclature , or you will end up with a child called Aspirin Muesli Harris as poor Tom was for the first week of his life , until it was overruled as being pagan by the Irish Catholic nurse .
26 He moved it to his palace in Pavia , where in 1420 it was recorded as being in the ducal library .
27 It was described as being ‘ … as black as a luger barrel ’ ; as being able to bring ‘ … polite conversation round to the subject of violence and warfare ’ ; as accusing the Georgian terraces of Bath ( where it was exhibited ) of daydreaming , and of making reference to the military hardware stored in the ancient subterranean quarries beneath the city .
28 It was labelled as being able to give shocks of up to 450 volts .
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