Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Even if the possession of essential components was crucial to man , which it is not , would it be justified to say that an animal which does not have these components could not feel pain ?
2 " It 's getting started that bothers me .
3 It 's intended to suggest that I may be a more complex character than they assume .
4 I understood though I mean it , it looks from many of these er publications as though it 's meant to convey that Mr and Mr Wogan are sitting down and having a conversation or Ms Rippon is n't it ? , that 's how it 's presented , is that right ?
5 it 's meant to show that Terry Wogan is asking John a question and John is answering the question
6 It 's reassuring to know that even beautiful actresses worry about what they 're gong to wear to go out in the evening .
7 For a genre that often takes itself too seriously , it 's reassuring to know that Les 's jokes remain his greatest joy .
8 It 's reassuring to know that we can all get back to abusing each other and women know their place — ‘ Harry , the ceiling needs painting ’ and ‘ Is n't it my turn on top ? ’
9 Then it 's reassuring to know that BNFL 's Translation and Language Service is at your disposal .
10 Parent Ali Smith says it 's reassuring to know that you 're leaving the children with someone who knows what to do in a crisis .
11 IT 'S reassuring to hear that the anti-drink-driving ads are having an impact .
12 It 's reassuring to learn that the Government is apparently sympathetic to concerns about the quality threshold .
13 Either that or you will have decided to build that extension you 've both wanted for so long to put that rattan furniture in , and when it 's finished discover that the blessed stuff does n't fit at all .
14 Also , I should say that erm the District Health Authorities now also have the right to initiate this , and of course they are more likely to be in contact with children who are under erm school age , and so it 's going to imply that the different services within the Local Authorities are going to have to work quite closely together on this one and what you should have , by the time a statement is prepared , is a very detailed profile of a particular child and one in which the parent has been consulted and various other people have been consulted .
15 Therefore it is fitting to remember that such houses are no substitute for fair rent housing from local authorities or housing associations ( Clark 1981 ) .
16 It is cheering to discover that there are some enlightened employers who value personality above experience or qualifications ( and age ) when it comes to recruiting .
17 For all irrational and exploitative forms of authority , self-assertion — the pursuit by another of his own goals — is the arch sin because it is a threat to the power of the authority ; the person subject to it is indoctrinated to believe that the aims of the authority are also his , and that obedience offers the optimal chance for fulfilling oneself .
18 Whether or not that is true , the fact that it is said shows that there is a feeling of isolation in the north-east .
19 Now , however , it is refusing to confirm that the trials have actually gone ahead , saying only that ‘ It 's taken longer than we anticipated ’ .
20 Although it is appealing to believe that bits of the two stories can be added together , we maintain that there are always two stories to tell and that combinations do not solve the problem .
21 As antimalarial drugs were desperately needed during the war , it is startling to realize that chloroquine was first synthesized several years before the war and recognized at that time as having antimalarial activity .
22 It is startling to read that his father paid him a visit in hospital , though presumably without knowing his son was being treated for gonorrhoea .
23 It is startling to discover that many outdoor organisations are unaware of this proposal .
24 Yet it is damaging to suggest that they can be answered separately from questions about the educational needs of children and young people themselves .
25 It is aspiring to know that the Offload page can save a person 's credibility — none other than BASW chairperson , Graham Thompson .
26 It is made to seem that he was a stranger , a gentleman , a ‘ watcher from the sidelines ’ .
27 If we begin by saying ‘ Wordsworth was a mystic , therefore … ’ , or ‘ Wordsworth was a poetic genius , therefore … ’ or , as in recent years , ‘ Wordsworth was psychologically abnormal , possibly mad , and certainly strange … ’ we deceive ourselves ; it is flattering to think that we have explained Wordsworth , and need therefore pay no attention to what he says .
28 It is astounding to find that the Gilberts Californian real-estate and property magnates have managed to acquire a collection of this importance in just over thirty years .
29 Though it is mistaken to suppose that the British made no effort to leave the Masai better than they found them , it is clear that their potential emergence from the colonial period much as they had entered it was something their administrators could in the end accept with equanimity .
30 When a module name is first entered into LIFESPAN , it is checked to ensure that the same name has not already been chosen for another module .
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