Example sentences of "it [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rokeya 's flat was so precisely as Lee remembered it that she felt as if no time had passed between the last time she had been inside it and the present day .
2 Right , it 's about this erm lady , I 'll make it that she lived on Dartmoor with her erm grandson erm and her moth and he sa daughter and she is a gran , she was a grandlady a grandmother .
3 It had the same feel to it that she knew from the long hours she 'd spent experiencing the mass-market romantic slush that Madreidetic packed into their holos .
4 In the early 1980s , because of her past connection with the military establishment , intellectuals tended to shun her and rumours had it that she worked for the Chinese KGB , the Ministry of State Security .
5 No sooner had she said it than she burst into a dry hard sobbing .
6 He would not have liked it if she seemed to be saying that they could get away any time they wanted to .
7 She would do it if she had to
8 Never thought any more about it and she said to me was that this morning ?
9 Putt turned to go inside his room , but when he tried to close the door , his mother 's foot prevented it and she pushed past him .
10 " She wanted to do it , she was one of the type who believed in doing it because she wanted to .
11 He supposed she was doing it because she wanted to .
12 She said she slept in it because she worked on a computer that was only available to her at night and there was no point in going home after 2am .
13 Oh but when she was How long was it since she worked at
14 I had never known that world and I wondered how Olga felt , consigning me to it while she luxuriated in the house .
15 Gaff continued : ‘ I am very fond of her and yes , I know all about her novel — she was working on it while she stayed with me in Dublin .
16 The calendar beside the clock was turned to the 21st January , 1919 — but was that yesterday 's date or today 's ; had she changed it before she went to bed last night ?
17 ‘ She must have planned it before she went to the hospital . ’
18 She bravely did her best to ignore it when she got to the studio and was quite successful in separating her professional and eventful private life .
19 She got it when she sailed into neighbouring Albania a week ago , the first British warship to visit the country for 54 years .
20 Do you happen to know whether she was wearing it when she left for the airport ?
21 She had seen no reason to abandon it when she came to Medewich two years ago , even though she might now have been able to afford a car .
22 There was always too much to do and although she hated it when she came as a young bride , she had grown to love it and would defend it with her life .
23 They 'd been in it only a year , but Mrs Yardley had lavished as much effort on it as she had on her beautiful cake .
24 Although O'Keeffe did not abandon abstractionism after 1923 , there is no question that she limited her experimentation with it , and she never again worked as expressively or freely with it as she had in the formative years of her career .
25 She took it out , not looking at it as she walked into the kitchen , tearing the envelope as she went .
26 I thought she was clutching it as she went past here but erm , oh you 've had some ?
27 She walked over to the rail and leant her forearms on it as she stared across the river , and drew in a shuddery little breath , hating the fact that Luke could make her so aware of him with just a look .
28 Passing me , she swooped up the hen in her arms and proceeded to cradle it as she apologized to me again .
29 Indeed , here with Kitty at the edge of the woods , she felt such a relief into unselfconsciousness that she bathed in it as she bathed in her pool .
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