Example sentences of "it [adv] had be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A decision had to be made ; or maybe it already had been made by Copper , because if he had decided to lie down before I could get back to him his leg would have been broken irreparably .
2 But once the business had been established and the initial problems of setting it up had been dealt with , she had found herself with a certain amount of time at her disposal , time to relax , time to remember .
3 It originally had been suggested that one ball only might be used on the supposedly lusher New Zealand grounds .
4 It is notable that he does not see himself abandoning epistemology , but as continuing it , doing it better than it previously had been done .
5 Flora sat in the kitchen , laboriously practising chain stitch on a rag torn from an old shirt of Peter 's , and Anna , who was in charge of the cleaning-rota , went off to the church to see if it actually had been cleaned .
6 As the record company had grown , it too had been broken down into smaller units : DinDisc had been a model for two more affiliated labels , 10 and Siren .
7 These latest jobs cuts come just after another Gloucestershire firm , smiths industries , announced it too had been hit by the slump in the aircraft industry , shedding three hundred jobs .
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