Example sentences of "it [adv] seem [prep] i " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know , of course , but it just seemed to me … well , and then there were the clothes . ’
2 I mean it just seems to me an area which I think I would like to have a bit more information on .
3 It just seems to me that the film is running backwards .
4 We 've got to sort of create the world , and so forth , and sort of run it , and so on , and , well , try to make some kind of , of , of sort of viable proposition of it , and all the rest of it , and it just seems to me that we can get better results if we treat the , if we treat the sort of , well , for want of a better word , the local inhabitants with a certain amount of , of , of respect , and , and , and trust , and and , if we help them , and and guide them , to the point where they can become sort of independent and sort of self-governing , within the framework of the free , well , of the free , sort of , well , of the , yes , free kind of system that we enjoy ourselves . ’
5 Now how how you work it on your scheme or whatever scheme comes up , it just seems to me that if you are going to have self-regulatory body , there 's got to be responsibility for it and how you impose that responsibility , could I 'm sure be in all sorts of different ways .
6 We , we need n't do it , it just seems to me that it would be
7 It still seems to me that the acting critics of poesy are for the most part incapable of looking for more than one thing at a time , having got started about 1913 ( I mean a few of ‘ em got started about 1913 and a lot have started since ) to look for a certain plainness and directness of speech and simple order of words ; and having about 1918 got started looking for Mr Eliot 's rather more fragile system ( a system excellent for Mr Eliot but not very much use to any one else ) , they now limit their criticism to inquiring whether or no verse conforms to one or other of these manners , thereby often omitting to notice fundamentals , or qualities as important as verbal directness and even more important than ‘ snap ’ .
8 I it it still seems to me every time I read the policy that it 's a lot more flexible than most people are giving it credit for frankly .
9 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
10 But it always seemed to me more important from L.G. 's point of view than from ours .
11 ‘ Well , it always seemed to me that the Cathars had got pretty close to it , ’ he said .
12 It always seems to me that you 've got a set of results , and if you come to write them up , and you know they 're obviously wrong , you 're going to get a lot more marks if you put down the right values — or what should be the right values — so you end up fiddling things eventually .
13 I would like , Chairman , to know , because er , it always seems to me that unnecessary money is spent in , in the American lead , so it 's difficult to get any money .
14 It also seems to me to be consistent with the approach of the court in the Torfaen case [ 1990 ] 2 Q.B .
15 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
16 It often seems to me that the lay of the land itself reveals the angle from which a mark is meant to be approached .
17 Geographers speak of a rock deposited by the Ice Age perhaps hundreds of miles from its place of origin as an erratic boulder , and it often seems to me that that is how RE appears in the landscape of today 's schools .
18 It even seems to me that my article constitutes a commentary which despite its broad irony nevertheless contains arguments Joseph Kosuth avoids .
19 It sometimes seemed to me that animal rights must always prevail over every other claim , however strong , including claims from the environment .
20 Indeed , it sometimes seems to me that the whole of this big , cold city is full of cripples , lunatics and the walking wounded .
21 ‘ Oh , most marriages would start off with as good a chance of success as failure , I suppose , if it were n't for outside influences , but there are too many women like you around , taking what you want with no thought for anyone else involved , and then hanging on once you 've got it — out of sheer habit or emotional laziness , it sometimes seems to me . ’
22 First I do n't want to repeat what has been so eloquently said about the need for putting the elected local government representatives in a clear majority , but it certainly seems to me that unless is , this is done the whole concept of the triple partnership and all the fine words about local accountability are seriously at risk .
23 It therefore seems to me unfortunate that , since the beginning of the 1990–91 session , the BBC has changed the format to include interviews with MPs and even studio discussions on some occasions .
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