Example sentences of "it [adv] [vb -s] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is incremental , and it only credits and penalises rules which were actually involved in the search .
2 It perhaps diffuses and dilute that kind of erm of racial tension from building up .
3 But you see , Gianluigi 's cousin works in the museum and they 've got so much stuff there they literally do n't know what to do with it all , it just sits and rots in boxes in the cellar , no one ever sees it .
4 ‘ I prefer to play the 1963 model because it just looks and plays better , ’ she says .
5 For example , needs to account for why if the sentence P and Q is true , then so is the sentence Q and in order to do that it assigns a certain structure , for example as on the handout in my assigned structure and brackets P Q. Erm anyway erm it just has and has a separate particle operating on two distinct sentences that are not ordered syntax needs to account for the well-formedness of the structure , sorry P and Q. The ill-formedness of P Q and the similar grouping of and with or that is in English between sentences and where you can find one and find another but not with , not you do n't say John loves Mary not Peter loves Jill .
6 In Dundee 's Northern College , the Values Education Project developed a methodology through which a school could identify the values it already holds and set targets to grow from there .
7 At the garden centre you can obtain bags of granite chippings that can also be used as decor for the aquarium base , although it is no use where high turnover undergravel filtration is in use as it soon blocks and becomes covered in a blanket of waste matter .
8 It further develops and tests a notational scheme for this function which could eventually become the basis of a standard in this field of practice .
9 CDS is committed to supporting that hardware until at least the year 2000 — it still builds and sells them — though there will be no further additions to the series .
10 Then , if left alone , it quickly revives and makes a dash for freedom .
11 It is said , therefore , that it directly causes or permits the nuisance to continue , as happened in Halsey 's case .
12 C&P disposes of its wastes in a variety of ways including landfill and incineration — but it also reuses and recycles wherever possible .
13 It also disciplines and controls it .
14 In many cases , as I shall try to show , it also rationalises and perpetuates sexual inequality .
15 It also imports and exports to the three main dialects of the .
16 It also includes and promotes work produced simply by people defining themselves as Disabled .
17 Through this example , he suggests that , although a lessening of power inequalities — a concomitant of informalisation — involves a lessening of formal restraints , it also induces and requires more deeply built-in self-restraints .
18 It also makes and distributes low calorie cheeses and polyunsaturated cheese alternatives under the Flora , Becel , Liners , Du Darfst and Vive la Vie brand names .
19 Yet , despite the difference , the attractions of marriage for women in both groups comes through clearly ; it both symbolizes and constitutes the movement from adolescence to full adulthood ; it means independence from the family of origin ; and it is hoped that it will be financially advantageous .
20 But the form of that narcissism tells us more about men 's love of men : it is masculinity in general that they love , and there is " a contradictory corollary in the iconography of miners — it both suggests and suppresses sexuality .
21 The technology employed is not simply a neutral manifestation of progress : it both reflects and helps to reinforce the social relations which exist between managers and those who occupy their buildings .
22 Voluntary effort is especially prominent in work with special problem groups — alcoholics and drug addicts , for example — where it both innovates and complements statutory provision .
23 It now manufactures and assembles over 65% of its products in-house .
24 According to Borland , Paradox 4 is between five and ten times faster than Version 3.5 — a program that was never accused of being a slouch — and on most tasks it reportedly matches or beats FoxPro , Microsoft 's swift dBase lookalike , which previously outpaced all comers .
25 When eating small mammals , it frequently strips and eats the soft parts from the carcase discarding the skin and bones , and it sometimes accomplishes this in a most peculiar fashion .
26 It then proposes and suggests some certain technical adjustments and makes allowances for previous policy decisions and losses of income etc. , and leads you through to er being able to propose a package measures within the policy committee guidelines .
27 It then turns and pounces on it triumphantly , as if a fish scooped up from a river or stream has been landed on the bank and must be secured before it wriggles its way back to the safety of the water .
28 There are many areas of sexual activity where the Bible is silent ; it neither condones or condemns them .
29 In the sections to follow the stark question is therefore put ‘ Is the Probation Service in the business of inflicting pain ? ’ and the answer which unfolds may be summarized ‘ No , because it neither aspires nor wishes to ! ’
30 It has spiracles along its side through which it can breathe , but it neither feeds nor excretes .
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