Example sentences of "it [verb] because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It failed because it precipitated a managerial revolution in Courtaulds , which in turn led to the defeat of the bid and the rapid recovery of the company .
2 First , it failed because it did not benefit the poor as much as it did the middle classes .
3 He must have liked the sound it made because he gave it another couple for luck ; my courage rising , too , I gave it two more .
4 It concerned a contract to provide a made-to-measure set of teeth and it arose because they did not fit .
5 They did it free because they thought the information and arguments within the 32 pages were worth spreading .
6 It counts because it counts to them .
7 Erm , I think probably I would support the recommendation as it stands because I do think that we need to have a trial to see if the end performance , and I very very much support the idea of the end performance , er in district .
8 It matters because it means that a trust can be construed even from words which look rather unpromising .
9 She asked herself whether it was possible that , after all , one or other of the Josephs had killed Sabine Jourdain and whether it happened because she knew of the drugs and not because of the Durances .
10 Was it overlooked because it demonstrates that insights into genetic disorders can be gained without use of human embryos ?
11 Another important point is that the less time you have in which to do something , the more it costs because you start to run into things like overtime and special delivery payments , rush jobs and so on .
12 Limitations are imposed by the fact that you have to wait two months for the educational psychologist , you have to close the biology lab when it rains because it leaks and they have n't sent anyone to repair it yet , you have to apply for a short in-service course rather than the full-time MA that you really wanted to do because there are n't any secondments any more .
13 It worked because it offered the combination of style and leisure which more refined sensibilities found coarsened in Brighton .
14 That did n't help the Black Destroyer , certainly , but it died because I made a mistake , and my power is so strong that when it goes wrong , which is seldom but not never , even those things I have invested with great protective power become vulnerable .
15 why did you let it go because I caught my fingers so
16 She squeezed her eyes shut and lowered her head , hiding behind her curtain of auburn curls , battling with the tears , battling with the fact that it mattered because she had made a mistake again .
17 And actually , er , it does n't , it implies that her it 's , of the Lowood , but in fact er it improved because they had an outbreak of erm typhus did n't they ?
18 it burst because she kept , she kept on eating did n't she ?
19 But MI5 deliberately ignored them as and when it suited because it believed no prime minister or Home Secretary would interfere nor would any member of the service break ranks and tell the truth about what really went on inside MI5 .
20 It does because I 've only ever done that by differentiating from S
21 ( The answer is , yes , it does because it helps the receiver to move up a scale in their involvement level . )
22 If we do not give fear our energy , our imagination , our life blood , it dies because it has no hold over us .
23 It hits his head and you do n't hear the noise it makes because you cry out at the same time , as though it 's you in the bed , you being attacked , you being killed .
24 And I 'm scared of the light when it comes because I see things that are , like my face getting old .
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