Example sentences of "it [verb] [not/n't] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 IT HAS not been the best of weeks for managers , a thought with which Graham Souness might agree .
2 It has demonstrated impressive institutional continuity ; it has not been the subject of serious attacks by the executive .
3 In raising the issue of the monarchy , it has not been the intention to select a bizarre , perhaps even frivolous topic , but one , the examination of which should raise important issues about contemporary ideology .
4 It is associated with a number of current and planned research projects , although in the past it has not been the practice to undertake substantive research directly .
5 It has n't been the most memorable of summers : let's hope the autumn brings more positive energy ( and not all of it chemically induced )
6 Mavis has done her best , but it has n't been the same . ’
7 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
8 But then , of course , it had not been the CIA in charge of ‘ the show ’ .
9 Shiva had called it that , but in his mouth it had not been the hackneyed expression it would have been if an English person had so referred to it .
10 Julia found herself wanting to get to know her better , quite certain by then that whatever there had been between Suvarov and Felicity while his first wife was alive it had not been the kind of affair David had assumed .
11 Charles Marovitz in It had not been the only reviewer from the left dissatisfied with the Royal Shakespeare Company 's US on the Vietnam war .
12 It had not been the Army which first noticed her disappearance , but an old Resistance colleague .
13 It had n't been the best of weekends .
14 It had n't been the greatest operation anyway , because it seemed that Jenner and Professor Liawski had some big argument around ‘ seventy-nine . ’
15 It 's not been the best of years so far for Jimmy White , who was dubbed the bridesmaid of snooker after losing his fourth world championship final in May .
16 It 's not been the principle er reason for for excluding sites from the greenbelt .
17 It 's not been the most satisfying of days .
18 It 's not been the best of times for us result-wise recently which makes it an even better performance . ’
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