Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When you 're on it make sure you believe what you 're saying !
2 Cos they did n't want it to go bad you see .
3 If the winter is warm in Mexico they live as free individuals as in the summer , but when it turns cold they aggregate in dense groups , and remain still , in order to conserve energy .
4 When it got dark I drove over and parked around the corner .
5 Socially and psychologically women are brought up to care for relationships , to care for people , they want to do it well , where it goes wrong they tend to blame themselves , but equally we have eminent members of the judiciary who in the past have commented in some of the cases of severe assaults on women , the kind of er quote that you were making
6 When you fall in love with someone new and it goes wrong you go and fetch an old lover and remember how much you loved him once and how you do n't any more and ca n't imagine what you saw in him , and then you feel better .
7 He solved the problem by dispersing the fish in smaller groups once it became apparent he needed to do so .
8 Among East Anglian property pundits , alarm over what Mr Lamont might be planning for the region 's property market turned to relief as it became clear he had no major upsets in store .
9 So if it tastes edible it gets eaten .
10 No cos it , it was straightforward I think and does n't look to be too much wasted , you , you know they leave all that so I 'll just it a quick , a quick , really a very quick hoover but I ca n't get to the bit where the waste carpet is but er yes it looks nice I think .
11 and there is so many people smoking where , in the pubs that I go to and I do n't have it cos I think it looks disgusting I come here and because we go around in like threes and it 's , you know ,
12 If it looks good he throws on more wood , if it looks bad he throws on more paraffin .
13 It looks terrible it does , I 'd have it one way or the other
14 If it looks good he throws on more wood , if it looks bad he throws on more paraffin .
15 The wheelbarrow had been stuck , almost to the axle , but when it came free I toppled with it .
16 It seemed certain it happened at the time of manufacture .
17 It seemed incredible I had n't thought of that before — normally I was constantly aware of his proximity through the thin dividing wall .
18 Where the camera sees white it sends to the output monitor the picture seen by Camera A , where it sees black it sends out Camera B's picture .
19 I do n't know , it looks as if it 's got some grit in it for when it gets icy I suppose you have to put he grit down there .
20 In early winter , when the first snows come , he wears socks in the boots , but when it gets cold he takes them off and replaces them with grass .
21 It has been tough during the last two Tests , and when it gets tough you want to have your best blokes there . ’
22 If it stays fine I think I 'll put another load of washing in here .
23 ‘ Joey says it sounds O.K. He says to tell you , shamus , that he hopes you collect the reward . ’
24 It sounds paradoxical I know , but I will explain .
25 You 're so efficient it seems strange you have n't mastered the art of the dumpling .
26 Back in Europe he once again faded into the shadows , though it seems probable he attended the Congress of Oppressed Nationalities in Brussels , along with Nehru and Hatta .
27 ‘ Forgive me , Marshal , but it seems unlikely he got out this way .
28 It seems likely they met in their respective offices or possibly at the Salisbury Club which was a new , but important , social and business focus in the town .
29 You said he turned up a few hours after the event , so it seems likely he left London at short notice .
30 It seems likely she did , but we do n't know for sure .
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