Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] been [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I caused the party a great deal of anxiety over my views ’ he explained and added ‘ but strangely enough with this book it has not been such a struggle .
2 IT HAS not been much of a week for Welsh politicians because the country 's resounding rejection of Mr Neil Kinnock has been followed by the decision of the International Rugby Board to ignore the reservations expressed by the Welsh Rugby Union and to hold the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
3 ‘ Ah , yes — you see , it has n't been such a-long walk after all , ’ said Lady Selvedge .
4 It has n't been much of a week for my wife either ; she now sees little prospect of winning back even a beefburger space in the deep freeze .
5 It has n't been any good for you , ’ her mother looked about to be certain Joseph was not with earshot even thought he had just gone off to fish in the lake , ‘ all this … ’ she added , unnecessarily , casting an accusing look in the direction of the inn parlour .
6 , I was going to get you trimmed this week , but it has n't been any warm weather has it , you would n't want your coat off , no .
7 For years , the Tory Government has gone on about freedom of choice in education but it has only been those with money who have had any real choice .
8 According to Michael Heseltine , President of the Board of Trade : ‘ It has always been this Government 's policy to put current services into the private sector where this makes sense .
9 ‘ And at times it has almost seemed as if everyone has had something to say about me , and it has often been those people who have never read The Satanic Verses who have had the most to say .
10 It had not been such a dull night after all , she mused , hoped Travis 's head would n't be too sore in the morning , then found that , whatever diversions might occur , once the excitement was over she was back to worrying about the wretched mortgage .
11 Petion looked astounded in a repulsed sort of way ; Privately , he wondered who had carved these things , and hoped it had not been some ancestor of his .
12 For a long time after independence , English was the language of the educated élite , just as it had largely been that of the colonial administration .
13 It had n't been much of a picture for dreaming on .
14 It had n't been much of a job after all ; he had thought at first from the sound of it that it might mean travel , but it did n't .
15 It had n't been such a cold night , what had happened ?
16 It had n't been all that friendly to me , but I let that pass .
17 And it had n't been some unknown island wine with mystical aphrodisiac properties , had it ?
18 A man with unfashionably long hair — it had probably been that way since his own undergraduate days , Loretta guessed — was stabbing the air with his fork .
19 Her hatred — if it had even been that — had turned out to be as intensely personal as her love and an intrinsic part of it , Maria acknowledged privately .
20 Alina was holding onto the door , because the six steps that she 'd taken to reach it had almost been enough to exhaust her ; Belov dusted off his hands and came over to her now , and he took her by the shoulders and turned her around and steered her back toward the bed that she 'd just left .
21 And it had all been such a long time ago !
22 In his dream he felt relief because she had n't died , because it had all been some other dream , because she was smiling in the sunshine .
23 It 's not been much fun so far , ’ she said mournfully .
24 But it 's not been all good news , as Chris Harbod of the R S P B has been explaining .
25 It 's not been such a great campaign for those formed by 1969 rather than 1968 ; in other words , for female journalists who were reared on Greer .
26 It 's just been such an awful couple of days . ’
27 It 's just been such , it 's obviously been a thing that affected the whole community
28 and it 's just been another seven years you 've been able to work
29 Jay said : ‘ I do n't know what I 'm doing , it 's never been this way before , ca n't go on anything else , but this time I 'm not going to fuck up . ’
30 The reason I cover my head is difficult to explain , because it 's always been that way .
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