Example sentences of "it [verb] [be] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Attached to this plant and the dye it produces are several beliefs which are especially pertinent to the families of fishermen .
2 ‘ All it needs is two seats and we could go for a jaunt in it .
3 With a twenty-one majority it becomes important cos all it needs is eleven by-elections .
4 Outside the High Court after the award of £50,000 damages plus costs , the 59-year-old happily married father of three said : ‘ It has been three-and-a-half years of absolute hell . ’
5 During the last nine years , it has been richer pensioners who have been the main beneficiaries of the real increase in the value of pensions .
6 WE hear that there was a big attendance at the first meeting of the new Basingstoke branch of the League Against Cruel Sports , when the League 's information officer , Kevin Flack , told them : ‘ I believe that most people are opposed to hunting but it has been recent antics of the Quorn Hunt and publicity from the MacNamara Bill that has convinced them that something has to be done to put an end to their activities . ’
7 IT HAS been two years since sultry singer Sade was last in the spotlight .
8 Since then it has been many times re-invented and used for 3D picture postcards .
9 It has been many years since the proud Fruithill Park outfit languished in the bottom half of the division after only three games , which is the case this season .
10 With Eliette von Karajan it has been thirty years of family life , with two daughters , Isabel and Arabel .
11 It has been six weeks , almost , but the friendly hot flush fills me to the top of my head and it is beautiful .
12 It has been 14 years since we had an expedition book from him .
13 It has been 3 years in which my family were put through things they never ever deserved to be put through .
14 It has been seven years that life does not bring me any joy and being totally blasé , I have decided to put an end to those viragos .
15 Since then it has been three times enlarged , in width , length and depth .
16 It has been three years since the galleries were last open , but according to Dr Mino , most of the material has been in the basement for half a century .
17 The government also tried to secure the removal from Punjab of four senior civil servants and police officers who it believed were strong supporters of Sharif .
18 You could soon be flying away for an exciting holiday in Reims , the heart of Champagne country — all it takes is three questions and a little imaginative sparkle !
19 What it transpires is local parties who are interested enough get what 's
20 Truly ungrammatical sentences are regarded as not resulting from any regular grammatical process ( e.g. ‘ I 've seen it happen is two girls fight . ’ ) .
21 All it contained were two envelopes .
22 What it means is higher bills for local taxpayers .
23 Last month 's record-breaking talks between OPEC members ( it was their longest meeting ) did not increase the amount of recoverable oil in the world , all it did was lower costs about $30 a barrel .
24 It had been five hours since he 'd got home , and he had n't slept in that time .
25 Most head teachers questioned thought the position was worse than it had been five years earlier .
26 It had been five years since the President had last presented the awards for gallantry and to voluntary workers , and in his opening remarks he reflected that in that time over 7,600 lives had been saved , 180 new boats built and lifeboat technology had advanced by leaps and bounds .
27 The ensuing reforms were implemented piecemeal and did not fundamentally change the system , but procedure was considerably more summary by 1900 than it had been fifty years earlier .
28 I cried in surprise , for it had been four years since he disappeared .
29 It had been four years since Jessamy had seen her , and she did n't seem to have changed at all .
30 It had been four months altogether before he returned to the Works , by which time Andrew Jones had been installed in the showrooms as assistant salesman .
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