Example sentences of "it [verb] [conj] one of " in BNC.

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1 Her father Barry said : ‘ She said the boys were skating on the ice , it cracked and one of them fell in .
2 Nevertheless , a couple of drinks later it transpired that one of them has a boyfriend who gets up at six in the morning to meditate , while the other said her best friend had been snapped out of a severe depression by a weekend of psychodrama .
3 It happened that one of the doctors practised hypnosis , and the sister of the ward concerned approached him and asked him if he could do anything to calm this patient who was disrupting the ward routine and upsetting the nurses .
4 Secondly , it appears that one of our largest companies has regard for the individual .
5 It seems that one of Mme Huyghe 's predecessors put them there sometime after the Second World War and then forgot all about them .
6 It seems that one of the great pains of Leapor 's life was the lack of such friendship .
7 The NSA has a huge operation in Britain which it regards as one of its most important listening posts , being strategically placed to eavesdrop not only on East Europe but West Europe as well .
8 It emerges that one of the foci around which these criticisms gather is that schools do not reliably , nor for all pupils , inculcate the habits and attitudes of ‘ good learning ’ .
9 There is n't a line of geometrical symmetry in sight — it rates as one of the most comfortable PC mice I 've tried yet .
10 It helps if one of the larger newspapers makes the main part around the head .
11 It follows that one of the major ‘ pulls ’ of urban life is the opportunity of employment , though this is often not borne nut by reality .
12 It follows that one of the main tasks of management is to control the interaction with the environment .
13 It appeared that one of the main sources of the bishops ' opposition was the authoritarian nature of the legislation .
14 It appeared that one of Edna 's married daughters had split up from her husband and needed somewhere to go with her small children .
15 It appeared that one of the bailies of St. Andrews was completely subservient to a Mr. Dick , who was the burgh schoolmaster and the bailie 's brother-in-law .
16 It 's but one of several the NME has received from Nazi filth rushing to defend Morrissey and claim him as their own .
17 It then , in October , expressed its concern that a high proportion of courses in subjects other than business studies were being turned down , and it suggested that one of the reasons making it difficult for such courses to be approved might be that ‘ the Council 's present structure of honours and ordinary degrees was not so appropriate for courses in those fields ’ as in science and technology .
18 It remained as one of the Abbey 's treasures until it was stolen some years ago .
19 I knew exactly where it stood because one of our pampas bushes was there and , in the middle of it , a coloured ball of Tony 's .
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