Example sentences of "it [verb] [pron] at all " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , ’ said Aline , suddenly serious , ‘ it is only that the step from perfectly ordinary things into the miraculous seems to me so small , almost accidental , that I wonder why it astonishes you at all , or why you trouble to reason about it .
2 Still smiling from her thoughts , she placed her hands on his broad , muscular shoulders , feeling the strength of his hands lifting down her body as if it weighed nothing at all .
3 ‘ It 's now coming up for its 12,000 mile service , and does n't feel as though it needs it at all .
4 It has nothing at all to do with ‘ being pretty ’ .
5 It has nothing at all to do with the cure of Legion .
6 He says it has nothing at all to do with underfunding .
7 The terms of this argument repeat exactly those of the critical debate about univocal meaning , according to which the only alternative to the idea that history has a single meaning must be that it has none at all .
8 So , from the dominant parliamentary perspective the Left takes the British constitution for granted as a good thing , and from the insurrectionary perspective the Left sees the British constitution ( if it sees it at all ) as beyond the pale of reasoned consideration and change .
9 He said , ‘ If it reassures you at all , I 'm not Drugs Squad and I 'm not Special Branch .
10 To hell with it , I 'll go down fighting , it will break me on my terms if it breaks me at all .
11 He said this with a certain measured diffidence , as though it meant nothing at all to him , and was just a casual observation .
12 If it meant anything at all it probably meant other people thought you were a bit like them .
13 If it meant anything at all , thought Henry , it was something along the lines of We have n't got a clue .
14 I mean er does it bother you at all that well I mean are most of the men managers ?
15 Now both the West Oxfordshire District Council and the Chipping Norton Parish Council erm voted overwhelmingly against this proposed scheme , and the fact that they 've put these recommendations to the County Council erm can I ask the three County Councillors present erm it means nothing at all from your point of view ?
16 Not only was it unremarkable and rather battered , it did nothing at all to jog her errant memory .
17 To be honest it did n't do much to encourage me to live for Jesus and I do n't think it did anything at all for my non-Christian friends .
18 Now does that have a er I , I know you lose the income but does it , does it penalize you at all ?
19 By far the most intriguing announcement in Wales also carried a competitive element , even if it had nothing at all to do with slow bowlers .
20 Strictly , this is what is known as the weak cosmic censorship hypothesis : it protects observers who remain outside the black hole from the consequences of the breakdown of predictability that occurs at the singularity , but it does nothing at all for the poor unfortunate astronaut who falls into the hole .
21 In the absence of legal criteria that distinguish constitutional law from other laws , the definition becomes so broad that it defines nothing at all .
22 James S. Ackerman , the architectural scholar , makes use of this phrase in writing about art and communication : ‘ What a work of art communicates can be described only in terms of an interaction between an object and a subject ; it communicates nothing at all unless someone is there to look at it .
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