Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He heard the bolt whirr as it was loosed but , instead of hitting the door , Maltote sent it crashing into an unfortunate chicken , which collapsed , squawking , in a pool of blood and feathers .
2 The regionalist novel represented a kind of literary discovery of America , in that it revealed to an urban public the conditions of life in the remote , underdeveloped areas of the continent 's interior : the plains ; the jungle ; the Andes .
3 The T network is actually the star network considered in the context of direct currents at the end of section 3.2 where it was shown that it transforms into an equivalent delta network .
4 In English , gender is determined not by form but by meaning : the word table , unlike mensa , would always be neuter in this system ( the correct pronoun would be ‘ it ’ ) because it refers to an inanimate object .
5 Erm the , it refers to an operational order er , an operational order is not a document that actually authorises police officers to do something .
6 But his definition of style , like Jakobson 's of poetry , fails to allow for its multiplicity and changeability , even if it points to an important possible source of literary effect ; and in his claims concerning readers ' responses he attributes to these a degree of regularity which to many must seem quite unrealistic .
7 Whilst it amounted to an important general statement on the limits of state action in a democratic society , it provided no clear basis for specific government economic action .
8 Gallons of intoxicating percussion guided rhythms fuel ‘ Pot Of Gold ’ like a train rampaging along an empty track as it goes for an energetic jog in the shadows , pacing along a tireless circuit .
9 It goes into an Industrial Estate
10 ‘ The refinancing secures the future operation of the Norsk Data group enabling it to continue as an independent and viable group .
11 Leaving aside our personal addiction , we have acknowledged ( as parents ) the convenience it represents as an electronic nanny ; also the entertainment it provides ( leaving precious time for parents to do chores and entertain themselves ) .
12 A splashy Belle-epoque tableau literally bursting at the edges with tumbling patrons leaping from the stage , frantic dancers , several pairs of identical twins and top-hatted gentlemen consorting with masked beauties , it was most entertaining decoration , and seemed reasonably estimated at $100–150,000 , though it sold to an American collector ( widely believed to be Iris and Gerald Cantor ) for a stunning $650,000 ( £373,500 ) .
13 A middle scale version of Rodin 's ‘ La Defense ( The Call to Arms ) ’ ( lot 16 , est. $200,000–300,000 ) attracted the sale 's highest bid of $310,000 ( £181,000 ) when it sold to an American institution , while Utrillo 's pretty winter scene , ‘ Rue à Poissy ’ ( lot 131 , est. $60,000–80,000 ) was the sale 's most expensive painting , bought by an American dealer for $100,000 ( £58,000 ) .
14 Although the maker and even country of origin of these pieces surprisingly remains unknown , one view holding that they are German rather than French , this uncertainty did not matter to the bidders as it sold to an anonymous private collector for $1,700,000 ( £944,400 ) .
15 She was wearing a plaid dressing-gown that her Dad had left behind : it smelled like an old dog and was as scratchy and heavy as wearing a carpet .
16 It led to an abandoned fishing hamlet called Hamningberg , where we camped for the night in a grassy field studded with interesting saxifrages and other flowers .
17 It led to an upset with a girlfriend , too , I gather .
18 He opened a second door , which again had an elegant stained glass transom above it , and Belinda found it led to an open veranda that must connect with the one they had sat on for drinks .
19 All in all it made for an uncomfortable meal , despite the chef 's first-class skills , and Sarella at least was pleased when it was all over and Marc , with deliberately precise timing , pushed his chair back to signal that they could now follow him out .
20 It provided for an estimated expenditure of L£597,000 million and revenues of L£210,000 million .
21 It provided for an elected head of state who would appoint a Prime Minister from the party winning a majority in elections to a bicameral parliament comprising a National Assembly and Senate .
22 City sources believe MB is the most likely suitor for Caradon as it reshapes into an international trading company .
23 Although it stands as an important account of new anthropological theory and purports to throw a revealing light on the social organisation of Balinese society , its carefully organised narrative is also a good story arranged so the shifts between Geertz 's account of his gradual development as an aficionado of cockfighting and the development of his theory of the social significance of this sport merge .
24 So the meaning of a sign consists in the bare fact that it stands in an external causal relation to that which we say it signifies .
25 In fact , it could be argued that too little has been made of the naturalness of depression — that to a large extent it develops as an understandable reaction to life circumstances .
26 It nestles in an unspoilt Cotswold valley .
27 It LOOKS like an ordinary card , but has differences that are invisible to the naked eye .
28 It looks like an average piece of As bond at first sight but it is n't actually a standard size at all .
29 The front grille is heavy-duty metal and lends the entire rig a very military personality ; it looks like an efficient machine from the outset .
30 It looks like an insane risk , but it 's the only way to go , so the adventurers will do it eventually .
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