Example sentences of "it [verb] [pron] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 as it goes I 'm happy to go to Tesco 's on Friday
2 Today it announced it 's prepared to guarantee payment of rent by a group called MK Ice , with up to £50,000 .
3 It is open to the family proceedings court to make an order under section 34(2) of the Act of 1989 for no contact between parent and child , if it thinks it is appropriate , though it would be ill-advised in most cases .
4 The foal becomes a social animal and part of the herd , and as it matures it is likely to take a similar place in the social hierarchy of the herd as its mother .
5 I 'll save it 'til we 're safe .
6 There is truth in this proposition ; but as it stands it is vague and ambiguous .
7 Like most cities , it has it 's fair share of crime .
8 As it transpired he was able to watch one of the most remarkable rounds of golf ever played at Royal St. George 's , or indeed any other golf course .
9 In bowls all round you have some or all of the following : a salad of chick peas , an aïoli , black olives , capers ( these are the four typical , native Provençal dishes ) , a spicy tomato sauce , a grated carrot salad , a Jerusalem artichoke salad , potatoes , beetroot , celery , sweet red peppers , gherkins , hard-boiled eggs — it depends what is available , how many people you have to feed , on your own and your guests ' tastes .
10 Naturally , it depends what is appropriate to the music .
11 Limited by what , in a recession , it could realistically claim to be spending , and obliged to exaggerate its fiscal rectitude to appear electable in the City , Labour had either to trim its sails to an economic situation it assured us was dire — thereby undermining the main reason why people supported them — or hold to its promises , confirming the impression that , once the party was in power , taxation and spending would soar .
12 It favours whatever is safe and familiar .
13 The curious nature of the first-person plural relationship in the Sonnets [ + ego , + tu ] is that it is so infrequent ( twelve times only ) and that even when it occurs it is tenuous , fragile , or , as here , stands for a union in falseness .
14 The man who spotted it says it 's inaccessible without proper equipment so Mr Scales is getting through to the coastguards , sir . ’
15 Even though it says it 's free for you to do it , they 'll still ring up another number
16 It says it 's wrong that a judge should have to pass the same sentence on an abused wife who kills a brutal husband as it does on a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold blood .
17 It says it 's senior or junior sizes .
18 SCO , which licenses its Unix code from USL , has been reluctant to name the successor to its version of Unix , SVRV/386 3.2.4 , because it says it is unwilling to commit its claimed six million users to a product — SVR4 — which is at present available in four different versions .
19 It says it is impossible to new the ma , renew them again to repentance , since they again crucify to themselves the son of God and to put him to open shame .
20 But Hambleton District Council opposes the move as the property lies in the heart of the town 's industrial estate and it says it is noisy and unsuitable for the old .
21 It says it is difficult to explain why the rising divorce rate seems to have affected men 's suicide rate but not women 's .
22 A Green vote is n't wasted as it says she 's concerned about the future of the planet .
23 The river was white , and on the ferry in mid-stream , it seemed we were adrift in a cloud .
24 For years it seemed they were common enough to turn the competitive paradigm into something of little practical use .
25 And it seemed he was intent on driving her crazy .
26 Perhaps it would be wise to pander a little to his whims since it seemed he was prone to these Viking tendencies .
27 Hari felt a rush of disappointment , she had expected Lewis to jump at the chance of earning some money but it seemed he was reluctant to take her venture seriously .
28 This time it seemed I was wrong ; across the next valley was another cliff , except that the sign at the top read ‘ Rapide Descente 500 metres ’ .
29 To the Germans , however , it seemed she was incapable of further immediate offensives ; so , late in 1915 , General Erich von Falkenhayn felt secure enough to transfer troops and artillery to the Western Front .
30 And at first it seemed she was lucky .
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