Example sentences of "it [modal v] have be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I doubt it may have been somewhere in a circle of exiles , plucking that familiar of yours . ’
2 In response to Frankish currency reform he began to mint new silver pennies in the 760s and 770s , when London emerges as an important royal Mercian minting centre , if not Offa 's principal mint ; it may have been here that his first coins were produced .
3 And it may have been here that a Staufen protest to the pope was drawn up .
4 It may have been clearly stated at the previous meeting that the date of the next meeting would be so-and-so , but this will not prevent people from forgetting all about it .
5 ‘ I think a part of me probably died when I took your job , though it may have been just the settling-down thing .
6 And , as the hairs on head and body are all at different stages of the hair growth cycle , waxing does not always mean that some hair does n't grow back quickly — it may have been just under the skin just waiting to pop out !
7 That seemed unlikely to win over the malcontents , but it may have been just enough to get the president home .
8 I doubt whether this implied anything lurid ; it may have been just a consultation .
9 If his generosity was occasioned by concern at the growth of Edmund 's cult , and its connection with Swegen and taxation , it may have been principally an attempt to mollify the opposition by making much of patronising the saint himself .
10 He said : ‘ It may have been simply a moment of despair and nothing more than that .
11 It may have been shortly after this that he served ( so J. Capgrave says ) in the Italian crusades launched against the enemies of Pope John XXII .
12 It may have been largely thanks to Lewis that Williams became something of a cult figure , idolized by pious lady dons , aspirant mystics and others .
13 Field evidence ( D. J. Laming , pers. com. ) suggests it may have been as little as 2 or 3 km .
14 Scattered later evidence suggested that Wealden superstitions died hard ; indeed , it may have been as potent a force in determining local beliefs as organised Christianity at least until this present century .
15 Exactly when , we do n't know , it may have been as late as the thirteenth century before it cut its way through .
16 It all happened so quickly — sometimes I think it may have been too quickly .
17 I mean it may have been that simple for Mr. Daytimer , who was a lawyer , erm , but I do n't think it 's , it 's , it certainly is n't that simple for me , and I , not for anybody else I know .
18 It was potentially extremely dangerous and although it had survived since the war it may have been very unstable .
19 It may have been only perception — but the customers were put off and that 's what mattered .
20 It may have been now that Ermold was returned to his beloved Aquitaine , and favour at Pippin 's court .
21 My kit being near the casualty ( by now conscious ) , I thought it may have been mistakenly picked up .
22 He was a North-countryman , and the bluntness of his approach to many issues should be considered , I think , as a traditional North-country attitude , exaggerated at times to the point of obtuseness ; it may have been merely a defence mechanism .
23 Estimates suggest that the peasantry as a whole was giving up over one-third of its total rice output for much of the period , but in some areas it may have been much higher .
24 It may have been totally accidental on her part .
25 He said even if he had known it was an aneurysm , it may have been totally inoperable and would have carried a mortality rate of 80% .
26 It may have been relatively easy for a large part of the workforce to switch from manufacturing to service industries in the 1980s , but to do the opposite is more difficult .
27 Britain finally became cut off from the Continent at the Straits of Dover around 6500 BC , although it may have been somewhat later between East Anglia and northern Europe via the Dogger Bank .
28 For one thing , the victuallers were never able to secure a majority on the council , and for another , a substantial number of the men in the victualling guilds had other interest — grocers and fishmongers were among the most important wool exporters at this period and one does not know how far individuals actually practised the trade of their own guild — so it may have been less in their interest than has sometimes been thought to keep food prices high ( 84 , pp.251–3 ; 104 , pp.77–80 ; 109 ) .
29 Erm we sir had objected to the erm er allocation proposed for of employment land under I five er to Harrogate , er believing that it should have been even more than
30 It should have been downhill all the way for retired Shetland Pony Selwyn , instead it turned out to be downbeat .
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