Example sentences of "it [modal v] be up to " in BNC.

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1 In the first quarter of 1994 , a SuperSparc-II kicks in with first silicon clocked at around 65MHz and by the fourth quarter it should be up to 90MHz .
2 In first quarter of 1994 a SuperSparc-II kicks in with first silicon around 65MHz and by the fourth quarter it should be up to 90MHz .
3 If this is the case , then it should be up to defending counsel to set it on its feet and persuade the judge to place the matter before the jury .
4 Where sexual intercourse takes place before the barrel of a gun , it seems quite appropriate that it should be up to the defence to discharge an evidential burden with respect to consent .
5 It is similarly arguable that it should be up to the defence to provide a proper foundation of evidence for an assertion that a woman who has been robbed by a man nonetheless subsequently consented to sexual intercourse with him .
6 She fully understands that it 'll be up to you and Alan to decide whether you want a book on this subject and if you think it is a complete non-starter you might like to stop her in her tracks .
7 It 'll be up to someone else to apply the data directly ’ , he said .
8 Its latest , a $23m affair to serve Europe 's Indigo requirements , opened last week at Cortaillod on the outskirts of Neuchatel , Switzerland , it 'll be up to 1,000 units a month by November .
9 If anything does happen , it 'll be up to the three of you to deal with it . ’
10 It 'll be up to him whether he throws me to the dogs and I finish up in a debtor 's prison , or whether he turns into a guardian angel complete with halo and big fat cheque .
11 So I 've now got a handout for you and it 'll be up to date about how to complete a B one .
12 Well , we 're getting them to go for a hundred , which sounds a lot , but the ground 's quite variable so , you know , some of it is really good planting land and some of it is n't , so , you know , it 'll be up to the teams to go for as many as they can .
13 It is not known exactly how many pregnant women in the UK catch toxoplasmosis but it could be up to 1,400 cases each year .
14 Experts warned last night that it could be up to a year before he is returned to Jersey .
15 Brian Gunn , Bull 's business manager for systems integration in Livingston , Scotland , says it could be up to two years before IBM brings out its AIX offering , by which time Unikix will be far ahead in terms of added value .
16 Group pick up is very handy , if you 're with a large bunch of people in a large office , you can get together and say , ‘ Right , why do n't we answer everybody 's telephones if they 're not there , let's not just leave them ringing ’ , Okay , so you get together and you ask me and say , ‘ Right , this , this , this , this extension ’ , it could be up to 40 extensions , ‘ We all want to be in the same group pick up ’ , so what happens is the phone rings , but another one rings .
17 It would show whether the US and the Soviet Union really had a role to play in Europe and it would be up to Germans themselves to work out their international posture .
18 It would be up to officers to decide what was dangerous and whether to discourage it .
19 It would be up to the courts to decide on the matter , ’ says her local trading standards officer , Mr Slater .
20 It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction .
21 The Institute has been given legal advice to the effect that there is a possibility that the defence of qualified or absolute privilege might be available , but it would be up to the courts to decide and the only way of finding out would be a test case .
22 After that it would be up to the German socialists to respond , pressing their own Government to adopt positions convergent with the emergent consensus among the Allies .
23 I thought it would be up to seven weeks after my back operation before I was playing again , and I feared I might miss the first month of the season . ’
24 It has to be said however that the presbytery , presbytery clerks er write their own agenda for these meetings er for these conferences and er it would be up to presbyteries to instruct their clerks that that had to go on their agenda .
25 It would be up to God to wind up the clockwork and set the universe going in any way He wanted .
26 He would not dare ask for money ; instead it would be up to the gentleman to raise the matter and to give payment when he deemed suitable .
27 Then it would be up to him to make the next move .
28 Indeed , I could invite the Archangel Gabriel from Heaven — but it would be up to him whether he came or not ! ’
29 " If he did , it would be up to him .
30 The Commission said , however , that it would be up to member states to propose and enforce measures protecting environmentally sensitive areas from shipping , as this was a matter of national , rather than Community , jurisdiction .
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