Example sentences of "it [modal v] not [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 No they were , that 's what they were were n't it when it all happened , the old Revered somebody or other , they wilful murder but erm yeah basically it does n't seem like , there was no real evidence as to who erm fired first and there was no conclusion that the about that , but they were certainly I R A gunmen , para 's , its like without a doubt if you know some people , but like with those high powered weapons they may , alright its unfortunately that somebody may have got shot , but it may not of been the main shot , that may , may of been a ricochet or , or anything like that , both their they 've got a killing range of up to three mile so one mate come round , he says he 's gon na come round again tomorrow and have a look at it
2 She had decided it ought n't to be too difficult to slip into the stables and up the ladder first , but this time she did n't even reach the water pail .
3 To keep the pattern consistent , it ought not to be the same as that of Adam and Eve , by tradition Pride , the moment when , as Lewis said , ‘ a conscious creature ’ became ‘ more interested in itself than in God ’ .
4 Those who advocated reform argued consistently that it ought not to be interpreted as a permissive move for two reasons .
5 Mrs Maugham would often abuse this garden and the widower 's laziness , with a self-righteous , alarming complacency , saying that it was a scandal and a disgrace , and that it ought not to be allowed : and when one day Clara , exasperated , as she sometimes rashly was , out of her usual silence , asked her what harm it was doing anybody , Mrs Maugham had snapped triumphantly that it was harming everybody in the street , because it helped the weeds to spread .
6 Yet it ought not to be long before some healthy doubts begin to disturb this mood of self-congratulation .
7 Even with interests , it ought not to be casually assumed that all interests are automatically legitimate , or that compromises can and should be made to accommodate them .
8 But a thinking participant like Socrates ( with a following in the Assembly ) found this incident difficult to stomach , and so far as the passage contains a statement of constitutional principle , it ought not to be pressed .
9 Those to whom time is of no object ( and given this countryside , it ought not to be ) might take the road to the right on reaching Neu St Johann .
10 ‘ I think it ought not to be , ’ she said earnestly .
11 Our view then , which is undiminished today and is at the centre of the debate , is that it ought not to be the function of the social security system to support students , not only because of the administrative burden placed on the Department 's local benefit offices and local authorities , but because there already exists a maintenance system for those in full-time education .
12 But it ought not to be able to choose either to rescind or complete and preserve its right to claim damages .
13 There is a deal within sight and it ought not to be like this between friendly nations . ’
14 It could not of been easy
15 So it was n't long , no it could n't of been very long
16 Romeo and Juliet I mean it could n't of been a better thing for school children
17 but it could n't of been cos it came out last week
18 Stuart was very happy he 's gon na get a bottle of whisky it could n't of been a bottle of bacardi for me could it !
19 erm no it could n't of been that important
20 No , it could n't of been
21 it would n't of been put in if it had n't been accurate at the time
22 It would n't of been easier
23 I forget what all this cost but er , well , five year ago it would n't of been
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