Example sentences of "it [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the Autumn 1955 issue , Mary Short of Norwich wrote an article entitled ‘ Compel them to Come in ’ predicting that the WEA would die a natural death unless more young members were recruited and advocating adventurous experiment : ‘ it may mean holding afternoon classes , or running a baby-sitter service so that young couples with children can come … has any Branch tried to recruit new members by advertising courses on child psychology at ante-natal clinics and infant welfare centres ? ’ .
2 But uncontrollable impulse , caused by mental defect , is not at present accepted as exempting from criminal liability , except that it may serve to reduce murder to manslaughter ( see pp. 167–8 ) .
3 In an emergency , however , it may refuse to allow contact for up to seven days if it is necessary to do so in order to safeguard or promote the child 's welfare ( s34(6) ) .
4 You may or may not be able to do that because it may have lost consciousness , alright , but we 'll put down warm drink if possible .
5 The eruption which probably had the most far reaching effect on civilization was that of Santorin ( Thera ) in the Aegean , in about 1470 B.C. This abruptly extinguished the highly-developed Minoan culture centred on Crete , and , because the eruption caused the submergence beneath the sea of a large part of the island of Santorin , it may have given rise to the age-old legends of Atlantis , the ‘ lost ’ or ‘ drowned ’ continent .
6 Thus it may need to borrow money , and its ability to do so may potentially be affected by an attack on its creditworthiness .
7 For instance , it may help to keep salt , pepper and paper napkins in the bedroom , if that is where the patient eats his meals .
8 It may help to twist drain rods when pushing them down the drain .
9 This education may go well beyond simply fostering understanding of the change itself ; it may include needs assessment and subsequent training in the skills and knowledge that are shown to be essential to functioning successfully in the changed environment .
10 The more data you acquire the harder it may prove to make sense of it all .
11 However , I have no doubt that , in the context of the statutory tenancies with which we are here concerned , that what is intended to be the effect of section 3 is that it should continue to provide protection until there has actually been execution in the ordinary way by the court 's bailiff in accordance with the requirement of the County Court Rules 1981 ( S.I .
12 If the UK Government is serious about stopping the greenhouse effect it should stop wasting time on long-term impracticalities such as nuclear power and look at what can be achieved now .
13 If a holding company can not immediately recover ACT against its own corporation tax liabilities , it should consider making use of its subsidiaries ' ACT capacity ( ie tax liabilities available for offset in the previous six years ) .
14 It should seek to take advice , let's say , from doctors , engineers , from peo ple working in education . ’
15 The issue now was whether it should attempt to retake South Georgia .
16 You take your moistened paper it should n't be dripping wet like this , it should have had time to dry out a bit .
17 This I 'm pleased to say is being done , a meeting has been arranged with British Aerospace , it should have taken place on Monday er Mike was deputizing me at that meeting and I 'm waiting to see what the outcome of that meeting is .
18 The respect the government accorded them was correspondingly limited : it was significant that among the great civil reforms of the reign that of urban government should have been left until last , and that when enacted it should have concentrated power in the hands of a very narrow élite .
19 It must have worn Christy out .
20 To him , it must have seemed ice cold , indifferent .
21 It must have hurt har because she was a-bloring good tidily ; bloring out .
22 It must have had occult properties ,
23 Though this wo n't mean the building of a theme park , it might mean introducing game machines to the island and other such measures .
24 Whilst training was no guarantee that losses would not occur it might help to identify health disorders at a stage early enough to allow successful treatment .
25 See it might have reached temperature before I mean I do n't know , I ca n't do a
26 The Office of Fair Trading scrutinised the bid because it might have affected competition in the UK towage industry .
27 In some cases it might have been irrelevant because companies would have decentralized anyway ; in others it might have enabled decentralization or , in combination with other factors encouraged it ; in some cases it might indeed have been the single most important immediate consideration .
28 The Seville Junta behaved with criminal selfishness and , but for the moderation of its general , it might have declared war on Granada ; it refused to send the Andalusian Army to the critical Ebro front where the French , after Joseph had withdrawn from Madrid in the panic caused by the defeat of French corps by the patriots of Bailén , were massing for a reinvasion of Spain .
29 OSF says it 'll have completed technology selection by July 1 .
30 I recognised it could mean marking time but I do n't think in practice that has happened .
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