Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It may well give me a reason to break the law when encountering the secret police , when coming up against censorship , or when confronting other forms of injustice or repression .
2 Not only will this keep the bush compact but it should also give you another flush of flowers .
3 It might well give her a better perspective on things if she could get right away for a short time .
4 It might even give him a nice profit on his outlay , which was nothing to worry about .
5 And it might even give you some ideas !
6 It 'll just give us some breathing space .
7 It might not be complete but it 'll certainly give us some of them .
8 It 'd always give you just enough help , and no more .
9 It would also give us more capacity for spot colour which more advertisers seem to require , ’ said Mr Morton .
10 It , it is , it , it is seen as a possibility that if you use carry forwards as a way of finding the reductions , A you would n't actually reduce a service on the face of it , and you would also , it would also give you a chance to examine where those reductions in services could be found in the coming months , er , rather than take decisions immediately .
11 It would just give it more prominence .
12 It would simply give him one more weapon to use against her .
13 Though it would be a great personal sadness to have to do it , it would nevertheless give her the greatest satisfaction to see Kirsty settled in a warm and loving family .
14 Penny went shopping with Rowan , into one of those very expensive boutiques shops , yeah , and between them they bought this dress , and when they got it home , Rowan 's mother would n't let her have it because it was too revealing and so Penny was stuck with it and then her mother would n't let her have it either , but the shop would n't refund , it would only give them credit so she 's got all this money to spend in the shop .
15 He 'd show her , and even if she did n't appreciate the work it would perhaps give him a moment to think , to recover his poise .
16 I mean , I mean I 'm sure it 's useful in the sense that it gets one person through er doing a degree who could n't have done it otherwise , but whether it would actually give you the sort of experience you want , I 'm much more doubtful .
17 Whether MCC , his financial empire , really is going to cost bankers a lot of money is not yet certain , but it will surely given them some sleepless nights .
18 It will also give him a chance to recharge his batteries and have a look at where he is going next . ’
19 It will also give you a more objective idea of how an employer sees you when reading your application form or letter .
20 It will also give you the opportunity to get used to hearing the sound of your own voice and to work out a way of expressing clearly the points you would like to put across .
21 Not only is it bulletproof but it will also give you privacy to speak to the ambassador .
22 And if the space you 've got is lengthways , it will even give you a two-car long garage instead , it 's available in any length over 14ft ( in 2ft increments ) .
23 And it will probably give you some horrible skin disease too . ’
24 Even if the search for primordial black holes proves negative , as it seems it may , it will still give us important information about the very early stages of the universe .
25 It will definitely give your child the edge when they start to learn word processing at school .
26 It can also give plenty of incidental mathematical experiences , posing practical problems of choosing and clearing sufficient space , and of moving and arranging the furniture .
27 If you see , throw it wide open , so it can safely give you lots of ideas , and then you can say to people who are adapters , right now what can we do with these in five years ?
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