Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may also be trouble in the 1st/2nd syncromesh .
2 It may well be Alan .
3 it may well be allergy mediated to h pollen or dust or something like that .
4 Mr Sommerville said : ‘ It may well be drink and drugs were involved and each aggravated the other .
5 Nowadays it may well be world history , deeply simplified .
6 It seems you are right — it may well be time for the Party to come out into the open . ’
7 But perhaps it may regretfully be time to demolish our bothies — their unique charm and tradition destroyed by the greedy — another casualty like that on the consciences of the cairnbuilding , memorial erecting , road bulldozing and ‘ 100 best walks ’ brigade .
8 It may not be chance that the Liber Historiae Francorum names the emperor who called the followers of Priam Franks as Valentinian .
9 The Gunners swept all before them in October , and it may not be coincidence that their reversal of fortune has accompanied Paul Merson 's switch from the ‘ hole ’ behind the front line to left-wing .
10 It may not be money that he wants ; and even if he would be satisfied with money , it may be very hard to say what would be a fair compensation for his loss , and a jury may not be the most suitable body for assessing it .
11 While the names and addresses of potential acquirors can be usefully input on to a database to permit mail merging , it may not be cost effective to use a computerised control log unless a substantial number of potential acquirors are anticipated .
12 It may not be PC Tools but it 's cheap !
13 But she fears bureaucracy may have delayed the day of judgement even further and it may not be June until judgement is given .
14 I think once more , but now for the last time , I 'm going to turn back again to the preface to The Reason of Church Government and whoops and read you one more sentence erm in which he is apologizing once more for having entered the fray , the political fray ‘ But although a poet , soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , might without apology speak more of himself than I mean to do , yet for me , sitting here below in the cool element of prose , a mortal thing among many readers of no imperial conceit , to venture and divulge unusual things of myself , I shall petition to the gentler sort it may not be envy to me . ’
15 It may simply be inefficiency at this level , but it could be worse .
16 It may now be time to risk the uncertainty of a split .
17 It may now be time for the different royal colleges to examine the possible use of a standard hospital letter for all specialties to general practitioners .
18 It may only be coincidence that the window cleaners were around last weekend when this incident occurred .
19 The oral shield has an irregular shape , although it may sometimes be hourglass shaped , and extends from the oral frame on to the interradial area .
20 All the rule books seem to say you must wear some sort of jacket — the BSJA naturally stipulate the colours — and in some classes it should even be tweed .
21 I can not understand why , as a general rule , if intercourse be an assault , it should not be rape . ’
22 The Committee therefore proposes the enactment of a statutory provision which will clearly state that rape is committed where a woman consents to sexual intercourse as a result of threats of force , explicit or implicit , against the woman herself or any other person , ‘ but that it should not be rape if , taking a reasonable view , the threats were not capable of being carried out immediately . ’
23 As the Introduction said , studying for survival and success will be hard work but it should not be drudgery .
24 ‘ Be always ready , according to your power to relieve the poor and help the distressed … ’ is a quote from The Rules for the Conduct of Life , a copy of which is given to all new Freemen — or perhaps it should now be Freepersons .
25 It should really be occasion for surprise that the terraces are as well preserved as they are , not that they are dissected .
26 This tale is set in Antwerp , and the major difference between it and the Miller 's Tale is that the woman concerned is not a wife but a prostitute , who lives in Coperstraten ( apparently Merchant Street , although it has been suggested it should really be Coeperstraten , Cow Gate Street ) .
27 First and foremost , it must not be voluntarist , and must therefore eschew any hint of historicism .
28 If aspects of CAB policy that the adviser questions arise during training , then it must also be part of training to show how advisers might try to influence CAB policy .
29 It must always be community against community .
30 It must really be business that had brought Bunny here as it was n't his sort of pub .
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