Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , why the controlled group chooses to be compliant , or why it may choose to be resistant to any process of control , is also ignored .
2 Our huggable bunny may well be eaten by a fox , it may well be eaten by us , or it may start to be eaten by micro-organisms , die and be finished off by other microorganisms .
3 It may pay to be early at Catford where Dromina Duke looks the part in the second race .
4 It is not the unfettered giant that , tautly ready for a fierce ground war in the Gulf , it may appear to be .
5 Persuading people to a particular point of view is the essential aim of every public relations campaign , no matter how it may appear to be about products , concepts , policies , personalities , issues , or information and data .
6 ‘ Everyone should be particularly vigilant and report anything of a suspicious nature immediately , no matter how trivial it may appear to be , ’ said Beardall .
7 It may perhaps be questioned whether such restrictions were necessary , since a procession is capable of causing disruption whatever the purpose of those organising it may happen to be .
8 It may have to be accepted that recurrent brief admissions are a necessary part of the long-term care of such a patient .
9 The play may shock audiences ; it may have to be withdrawn or rewritten .
10 It may have to be less if we are rushed .
11 All types of a-v , museum , artefact and other stimulus material may be involved , and if it is not immediately available it may have to be purchased , borrowed or created .
12 If an expert clause is unclear , it may have to be clarified by the court .
13 He says that they mounted an undercover operation to get to the horse — it 's in such a bad way it may have to be put down .
14 It may need to be tailor-made , and therefore it 's best left to the experts .
15 However , if the unit is to be sited some considerable distance from the water supply , it may need to be thicker to prevent excessive voltage drop — loudspeaker wire , for example .
16 In such cases it may need to be supported at the level of verbal consciousness , and , like grieving as the gateway to reattachment , should not be prematurely foreclosed .
17 The point , once obvious , has ceased to be that , and it may need to be restated .
18 The product may be difficult to pack or it may need to be kept under refrigeration .
19 I am sure my husband would not mind if your daughter came but it may need to be the ( comfortable ) sofa for a night !
20 Time-sociology ( or chronosociology as it may come to be called ) has many dimensions to it .
21 All those sublime thoughts , which tower above the clouds , and reach as high as Heaven itself , take their rise and footing here : in all that great extent wherein the mind wanders , in those remote speculations it may seem to be elevated with , it stirs not one jot beyond those ideas , which Sense or Reflection , have offered .
22 This introduction to a scene and the gradual unfolding of the action within it may seem to be a rather academic restriction on the freedom of the cameraman , but it is a most important movie-making technique because it gives the viewer the feeling of involvement as a participant in the exploration of the location .
23 Given these fears and the imminence of their object , it may seem to be rather worse than fiddling while Rome burns to raise in a series of lectures on law and disarmament that essay-worn jurisprudential topic ‘ is international law really law ? ’ .
24 You and I have got a job , as Christians , to help to point people to the right way , narrow and difficult though it may seem to be .
25 It may prove to be Margaret Thatcher 's most lasting contribution to her party , for it is changing it irrevocably .
26 It may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory .
27 Thus although a marked increase is apparent in recent years it may prove to be due entirely to three freak movements .
28 It may prove to be restrictive unless used very flexibly .
29 In the average home sized aquarium it may prove to be necessary to isolate a particularly large specimen as the risk of losing other fish from predation and poor water quality will be high .
30 If there is an existing pipe organ and it is of good quality , it may prove to be more economical in the long run to restore rather than replace it .
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