Example sentences of "to me [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My husband actually said to me that giving up smoking was easy because he 's done it plenty of times .
2 ‘ Tommy , listen to me but do n't try to answer .
3 The skinny man walked over to me and stuck out his hand .
4 That which had been so familiar to me and accepted almost without thinking now took on a new and almost bizzare aspect .
5 For instance , I recall one evening he came to me and took out a matchbox and he gave it a couple of shakes ; I thought there were matches inside , hut he opened the box and inside were some very evil-looking pills , about the size of , or a little larger , than a Beecham 's pill .
6 ‘ Judy took a fancy to me and got very jealous of Michele , ’ he recalled .
7 The person whom I was going to take over the job from said to me at the end of the meeting well what do you think of that meeting and I must admit I the answer and luckily somebody else instructed with some other business and I felt I got off the hook here but in fact that got dealt with very quickly and he came back to me and said well what did you think of the meeting and I had to say to him just one word , was the way I put it .
8 The man who was a doctor turned to me and said quietly , ‘ Listen .
9 ‘ Over the years hundreds of people have come up to me and said how they remember that night for my one-handed pots .
10 And Mrs Rogers came up to me and said how wonderful it must be to have a husband who takes an interest in his family ; her Dan does n't know he 's got a family and cares less .
11 I think he 'd had a stroke by then , but he came up to me and said very quietly , ‘ How 's your comical friend then ? ’
12 parents have come to me and said so and so 's only got a C , it 's appalling !
13 ‘ Only thanks to me and try not to forget that the corp ‘ ere also witnessed everything what ‘ appened . ’
14 As far as I 'm concerned , I would ignore that er I 'm perfectly prepared to talk to anybody who wants to talk to me and to explain why , certainly in West Oxfordshire , the problems are caused by an over-spending Labour/S L D County Council that accounts for 90% of the .
15 She ignored the question , turning to me and asking why Iain had brought us here .
16 As I was much smaller than him , he was very rude to me and behaved very badly , especially when nobody was looking .
17 The female , Vicky , came to me and bent down so that I could look again into her grey eyes .
18 ‘ You 've been lying to me and covering up for them all along .
19 and do with it as you will because at the end of the day then he ca n't turn round and sa , to me and say well you wanted to do this with it i , if it goes wrong !
20 You could give all your money to me and say there I 'm not tax paying .
21 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
22 My husband was n't nice to me and look how I turned out !
23 But Mother must have known how precious dollies were to me and set about making me a black one taking the pattern from my old one , which I called Cuddles .
24 Er what the gov the British government would like to see is a resolution of these matters er our precise position er and attitude and er erm the assistance we can give in reaching conclusions is much more a matter er for ministers of the foreign office rather than myself so the honourable gentleman er invites me to tread in areas that do n't belong to me and do not actually belong to these orders that are before us , no they 're not , they 're not really relevant to whether we approve or not the orders that are before us , er I 'll give way in a moment but the honourable gentleman er for I believe wanted to intervene .
25 Janice , who switched to nights this week to cover for a colleague , today told the Echo : ‘ He stood next to me and did not look at all shifty .
26 ‘ Laura was more like a friend than an employer , she was so kind to me and did so many thoughtful things .
27 And I think he meant , and I say this quite fair now , I think he meant to come straight up to me and brake suddenly to frighten me .
28 Talk to me and discuss how you want your top to look .
29 When I first moved to Wallingford I was told by a local resident ( in no uncertain terms ) what would happen to me if did n't continue with the tradition of putting a Christmas Tree on the silo top .
30 ‘ Either give it to me or do n't . ’
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