Example sentences of "to me [coord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You would have thought Magnus 's mother would have been nice to me but I bet Father had already telephoned and told her lies about me , because she made me wait in the hall until Nanny came to collect me in a taxicab .
2 And it does n't appeal to me but I know that I should do it .
3 She said it 's a big , big cut off , if your phone rings you 're out , so of course the phone were ringing , then it went to one in post , no it never , it went first from Ann from Lynnette then to Ann and then it went to Kathy and then it went to erm somebody else and then it come to me but I 've got seven hundred thousand pounds worth of money on my desk that I were banking and Jane had got that job and Jane was on post in cash cos she ai n't got a job cos that thing with them shoes did n't take off and do you know
4 All sorts of people held their hands out to me but I do n't think I ever got anything .
5 This prospect is pleasing to me but I have seen Mr Landor and confess myself alarmed .
6 This awful thing has never happened to me but I have been in the situation leading up to the attack hundreds of times , in trusting casual acquaintances to walk me home or allowing strange men to come into my house to do repairs .
7 It might mean , it prob er I suppose in a sense that does n't matter very much to me but I suppose it might matter if you 're sixty yeah yeah .
8 I have to write to them and ask them and about a month later they reply to me and I pass it on to her .
9 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
10 And this is a question that always occurs to me and I 've read this novel several times , at the end of it why did she write it ?
11 ‘ I never felt that Jesus was a friend and I do n't think that I really ever loved him before this half but now he seems always near to me and I like to think of Him more than I ever did before Mama 's dying so suddenly and unexpectedly made a great impression on me … ’
12 ‘ They 're right kind to me and I like it there .
13 He turned over to me and I felt the gun barrel at my head .
14 It hovered close to me and I felt a coldness on my cheek .
15 I could n't understand what was happening to me and I began to sink deeper and deeper into the pit .
16 I watched and held my breath , but to my relief she only brought one lump out of her bag , and that the smallest of the two , which she gave to me and I put it quickly into my cart .
17 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
18 It looked like a simple repair job to me and I thought the gloom on Mick 's face was part of his act .
19 I did n't understand what ‘ interest ’ was but she 'd been kind to me and I thought she would be kind to others and help them .
20 One TODAY reader , who refused to be named , said : ‘ There was a certain part which really happened to me and I thought the programme was real .
21 He proposed to me and I said yes .
22 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
23 No , but it was a loan to me and I said to my dad he was loaning it me and I said to him erm I pay you back and then when I went to pick the cheque up er he says er well me mum says he giving you that you know he says what we 're gon na do is when , when they write the will out you 'll get that much less than the others , I says well as long as it ai n't gon na cause any problems
24 Well Kirsty said something to me and I said oh I do n't think so , I said I think he 's , you know , I , I 've heard that , you know , he seems a quite sincere kind of bloke , he seems nice but I do n't know that 's what I think but if he
25 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
26 ‘ Luckily , I realised what my boss was doing to me and I got out quickly .
27 This all seems to make sense to me and I welcome the fact that this Act recognises children also have their rights .
28 He has always been a source of inspiration to me and I hope that he will take it as a compliment when I say that , from the days when I was a student , he has been an inspiration to me .
29 From the time that I was about eight , the Boxing Booth acted as a magnet to me and I spent a considerable time gazing in awe as the boxers paraded on the small stage outside the tent , ready to take on all corners .
30 He explained everything to me and I went across a big courtyard , through a door into a large hall , then up some stairs and along a landing turning left towards an outside terrace down to the lawns at the rear of the Palace .
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