Example sentences of "to its [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 The to infinitive is not used because one is not situating the incidence of the infinitive 's event to its support as coming after some other position in time at which the support is also represented , as was the case in ( 1 ) above .
32 Of the other parties , the Independent Smallholders ' Party ( which had won 57 per cent of the vote in the last free election in 1945 — see p. 7600 ) , led by Istvan Prepeliczay , advocated the return of collectivized land to its owners as listed in the 1947 land register ; the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was established in October 1989 [ see p. 36960-61 ] as the reformed successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) and currently claimed 50,000-60,000 members , the first candidate on its national list being Imre Poszgay , who had acted as a catalyst for many of the reforms but who came third in the constituency where he was also standing ; and the League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) , led by Viktor Orban and claiming 5,000 members , was closely allied to the SzDSz .
33 When the slow-moving potto is approached by an enemy , it curls up into a tight ball , clings on to its branch and lowers its head between its legs so that the back of its spiky neck is thrust towards the predator .
34 The Ehrenreichs claim that partly as a reaction against the actions of the government ‘ large numbers of young people pushed professional-managerial class radicalism to its limits and found themselves , ultimately , at odds with their own class ’ .
35 These engaged on rails on special purpose rail wagons , so that the trailer could be shunted straight from the road onto the railway wagon , secured , and transported by rail to its destination and picked up again by road tractor with the minimum handling at its destination .
36 If it possesses some sort of strength — physical , chemical or armoured — it can face up boldly to its enemies and defy them .
37 The directory is an integral part of the county council 's environmental policy which seeks to promote environmentally-friendly services to its customers and develop an awareness of environmental issues .
38 Gus put a hand to its edge and lifted , and the cover rose on its rim , and showed them a glimpse of a deep shaft dropping into darkness , partially silted up below with rubble .
39 I come to its edge and see it cool amongst the rushes , a place of little fish and soft green grass .
40 It covered the whole of her face , shaping to its contours and jutting out with an exaggerated jawline .
41 This effectively prevents water-loss by evaporation through the skin , though the animal must doubtless lose some moisture by breathing , which it is able to do through tiny tubes attached to its nostrils and opening through the membrane .
42 It is noteworthy that , last July , the TGWU voted to boycott youth training , employment training and the training and enterprise councils on the day before the Leader of the Opposition went to its conference and said that , in so many ways , that union was the Labour party .
43 This can be taken to mean that the one proper way for an authority to decide its actions is to ask itself what are the reasons which apply to its subjects and attempt to follow them .
44 Adjudicative authorities , one might say , are precisely those in which the role of the authority is to judge what are the reasons which apply to its subjects and decide accordingly , i.e. their decisions are merely meant to declare what ought to be done in any case .
45 That is , an authority may rely on considerations which do not apply to its subjects when doing so reliably leads to decisions which approximate better than any which would have been reached by any other procedure , to those decisions best supported by reasons which apply to the subjects .
46 Unquestionably she has brought the might of the sexist porn industry to its knees and forced it to deal with a self-supporting woman with ideals and a philosophy .
47 The Sika 's head jerked ; it dropped to its knees and keeled over .
48 It is not until we broach such questions as , What is meant when a speaker sets an adjective in juxtaposition to its noun as opposed to linking it indirectly via a form of the verb to be ? that we can start to give a full and proper account of syntax .
49 A gharial crocodile ; it has a particularly prominent tip to its nose and catches fish with a sideways sweep of its slender jaws .
50 It believes this would prevent legal challenges to its status while retaining its flexibility to interpret the code according to changing circumstances .
51 The purpose of such investigation will be to determine the precise nature of the incident , to examine the factors contributing to its occurrence and to identify any measures which might be taken to minimise the likelihood of a repetition of this or a similar incident .
52 It is a tribute to the makers of The Krays , to its director and cast , that it should have such a profound effect .
53 Borders Regional Council has sought to listen and to respond to its electorate and has succeeded in drawing up a document that is widely supported in the area .
54 He returned the phone to its table and slid the notebook into his pocket ; it took some forcing , but it went .
55 In their factory , so essential to the prosperity of Trazior — to its trade and supply routes forever preyed on by vicious nomads — the Valences lived their whole lives , many of them adapted by surgery to their specialised tasks .
56 It can only realize its full potential when , at a school level , head and senior staff are actively committed to its use and prepared to involve themselves in discussion sessions , demonstrating , by example , allegiance to the notion that talking about areas of personal anxiety , confusion and failure is an essential part of professional development for all .
57 A guard tipped a heavy safe on to its side and offered it to us as a seat .
58 Shaven-headed Nationalists rolled a car on to its side and took up positions behind it .
59 The court construes it according to its terms and finds that , so construed , it enables tax to be saved or minimized .
60 When an issuing or confirming bank becomes the recipient of a receipt message , it has the same right to object to its terms as does the shipper .
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