Example sentences of "to what [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But as soon as we hit with something that was n't what we were about , we always tried to get the band back to what we thought it should be — three guitars and drums played loud by four New York bums .
2 Hallo sir , you 're calling about your daughter , Jennifer , erm I 'm sorry , I do n't really have any more information to add to what we told you on the twentieth .
3 You are listening to what they told you and you got the , the right picture , you know the right facts and the right details and the right emotions so you can go back and cover the right plan of attack so you can sell them products they actually want and not what you think they
4 To what I told you ? ’
5 Right so to get back to what I gave you , you 'll take three off .
6 Did the things they told you about the ad or the product correspond at all to what you hoped they would get out of it ?
7 ‘ Thanks to what you told me about Lisa I now realise , perhaps for the first time , just how much influence people in the music world can have , albeit quite unknowingly , over impressionable youngsters .
8 Jessica announced she felt pissed and would have to go onto lemonade or leave the car outside the Amsterdam all night — which raised guffaws as to what she thought she 'd find left of it the morrow — and Mallachy offered to drive it home for her for twenty quid plus his taxi back , although he did n't have a licence .
9 I have n't got their addresses because I just listened to what she told me .
10 ‘ According to what he said he wanted to learn Dutch , but not German , and he has n't got a wife .
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