Example sentences of "to a [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may help your understanding if you look upon CALL as the machine code equivalent to a PROCedure and USR as the equivalent to Function .
2 On one occasion , they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing .
3 Reproachfully , Rosa dipped into the deep pot of olives and served a scoop of the waxy jade pebbles on to a dish and set it near Tommaso .
4 You go to a seminar and say ‘ Listen , they do n't eat this kind of thing ! ’
5 The indictment ended months of secret negotiations between Weinberger 's lawyers and the prosecution team , who had reportedly sought to persuade the former Defence Secretary to plead guilty to a misdemeanour and to provide evidence concerning Reagan 's role in the cover-up of the Iran-contra scandal .
6 I 'd like you to go on to a university and do music , but I think you 'll do that anyway , and I 'd like you to stop playing other instruments .
7 If you feel apprehensive on this , give a page of your notes to a friend and ask him to tell you which letters or words in your handwriting gave him difficulty in reading .
8 Later on , when they stop looking for us , we can go to a port and get right out of the country . ’
9 William Livingston ( 1818–1870 ) who apprenticed to a tailor and went from house to house in the course of his work , must have known the people well and written about their hard life .
10 William Livingston ( 1818–1870 ) who apprenticed to a tailor and went from house to house in the course of his work , must have known the people well and written about their hard life .
11 The voucher was then taken to a clothing or boot shop where goods were supplied to that value , often with another shilling discount .
12 One of the Palestinian guerrillas turned irritably to a companion and asked : ‘ Why do n't we shoot at them ? ’
13 In the UK , London-based Video Dynamics Ltd , has announced Sprint GXU , a display adapter for Intel Corp-based personal computers running Unix : the adapter is claimed to bring workstation graphics capabilities to a PC and costs $500 .
14 Any piece of rotten meat that could still be found in the enclave was slipped over an improvised fish hook , attached to a rope and hurled over the parapet in the vain hope of catching a jackal or a pariah dog that might swallow it .
15 Enforcement here is prospective : a matter of responding to a problem and negotiating future conformity to standards which are often administratively determined .
16 BOMB SURBITON — pausing only to nail Felicity Kendall to a wall and throw Richard Briers ’ severed head at her .
17 In the way that if you had to choose a player to score a century to save your life it would have been Boycott , then if you were pinned to a wall and forced to choose someone to win the Masters it would be Faldo .
18 I hurried along keeping close to a wall and waiting for the inevitable mortar burst that would follow in the path of the jeep .
19 At the height of the rush hour , when the streets were at their very busiest , two terrorist bombs exploded bringing the city of Manchester to a standstill and injuring 64 innocent people .
20 Without trust , ’ and he came to a standstill and tipped his chin into the air , the thought still forming .
21 STRASBOURG — Jean-Marie Le Pen 's European Right party has offended both Switzerland and Israel , brought the European Parliament to a standstill and embarrassed the British Conservatives in Blackpool , writes David Usborne .
22 Counting the cost of a fire which has brought his business to a standstill and caused ten years of research to go up in smoke .
23 ‘ There , ’ Guy said very quietly , as the weary horse plodded to a standstill and let its head droop against the driving rain .
24 Of course , this does n't stop a Mob squabbling amongst itself , but at least this only halts one unit for a turn rather than bringing two units to a standstill and inflicting casualties .
25 If you are losing children do spend time with the dissatisfied parents to explore not just the event that has brought the situation to a head but dig deep for other areas of dissatisfaction , hostility or conflict .
26 Unless the horse is very sick or the swelling is severely affecting eating or breathing , it is sometimes better to delay antibiotics until the abscesses come up to a head and burst .
27 Hitler 's deputy , no less , baling out over Scotland then surrendering amiably to a farmer and demanding to be taken to the Duke of Hamilton .
28 To strengthen your hair prior to a perm and ensure that it is the best possible condition , apply a combination of protein and moisturising treatments .
29 It must be remembered that a court can not order a mortgagee to agree to a conveyance or transfer subject to mortgage , nor can it order a mortgagee to release a party from the mortgage covenants .
30 Afterwards they went to a nightclub and danced and smooched in the smoky blackness , cleaning their throats from time to time with champagne .
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