Example sentences of "to the [noun pl] and they " in BNC.

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1 They must have come out of a back entrance to the flats and they were intent on avoiding somebody , although I 'd seen nothing suspicious when I 'd cruised down Seymour Place .
2 They 'll not have been the first tourists to be fed to the sharks and they wo n't be the last . ’
3 Under Nixon 's " revenue sharing " scheme , money was allocated to the states and they were left to spend it , with many fewer strings attached than in the " Great Society " period .
4 But it will be quite unprecedented if the full weight and majesty of the famous MCC club is thrown behind an official protest to the selectors and they will almost certainly have to consider their positions .
5 Philip had shouted to the others and they 'd all come running up .
6 He turned inquiringly to the others and they all mumbled for a while .
7 It heralded the end of the session , as Danny 's mood seemed to transmit itself to the others and they too became restless .
8 Over the years , we 've taken the risk to increase the court 's costs , erm , where we 've got agreed pro er , principles , and we 've b we 've been able to go to the courts and they 've agreed with us , for instance , standard fees for overloaded vehicle cases , we charge seventy pounds a time .
9 ‘ I have considered all the facts that you describe relating to the circumstances and they are substantially as in my officer 's report to me about the death .
10 And they came to the manufacturers and they said look we , there 's no good producing fifty dozen a week on a machine it 's not
11 Now they have aerial wires attached to the masts and they made me think they must intend to use her for some sort of electronic surveillance .
12 But the project belonged ultimately to the pupils and they should have the last words .
13 I do n't know , maybe they erm a , they 'll listen to the tapes and they probably sample some of the words into a computer to build up a database of words that probably like you said , oh he 's getting a lot of jip from his boss , you know , is probably not in the dictionary but if a lot of people said that word then they would .
14 There was the afternoon when he drove out to the Crumbles and they slept for three hours , the wind pushing at the side of the car like a crowd .
15 But stores like VG say their first duty is to the shoppers and they 'll make sure they keep the campaign in the headlines until they can sell the story themselves .
16 They make sense to the children and they permit them to make sense of their world .
17 If the district judge intends to rescind , notice is given to the parties and they have 14 days to object , whereupon a hearing is fixed to decide on rescission .
18 er , it can be a very terrifying experience for a woman , but I think part of the mental experience would be coming forward to the police and they had dealt with now in a far more caring and understanding manner , that that can actually help in a process of getting over it eventually .
19 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
20 A red one jumped out on to the floorboards and they began to smoke .
21 ‘ It is this Government which introduced Dublin rule through the Anglo-Irish Agreement and gave encouragement to the terrorists and they 're responding in kind . ’
22 Once eligible for inclusion in the study , the nature of the trial was explained to the patients and they were offered the treatment allocated by randomisation .
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