Example sentences of "to which [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Do we judge them by the depth of their humanity , or by the extent to which they have reduced international tension ?
32 ‘ Mr and Mrs Gould are now in the Colony ’ proclaimed the Hobart Town Courier , ‘ to which they have come at great expense and sacrifice of comfort , purely with the view of making this work [ Birds of Australia ] still more valuable by taking their drawings from living specimens .
33 Indeed there are a number of other computational implementations that have required the use of linguistic information , and the extent to which they have proved successful may identify useful avenues of research for the present project .
34 Like their prey , they are members of the segmented group of animals , though the degree to which they have retained divisions in their bodies varies considerably .
35 Of the other Zeppelin memorabilia in this collection , perhaps the menu cards signed by passengers and crew ( £750 ) , and Lady Grace 's circumnavigation flight ticket were unique and items so rare that they will form a valuable part of the private collection to which they have passed .
36 Certainly both will continue with the public work to which they have dedicated themselves but Diana has indicated that she wants something more fulfilling in her personal life .
37 For example , a questionnaire designed to investigate attitudes towards work may provide respondents with a list of statements indicating a point of view to which they have to express a level of agreement or disagreement ( see Figure 5.1 ) .
38 I think what 's very striking about the report which the students ' union have recently published and are circulating around the university , is the extent to which they have tended to define sexual harassment as being as much or at least as much a problem between students , a problem of behaviour between students and a problem of the sort of atmosphere in the colleges in terms of how that affects how peoples lives feel and and how they are how their behaviour what sort of behaviour is acceptable .
39 Not the sitting room across the hall , to which we 'd retired after dinner .
40 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , ’ called the headmaster , ‘ we are ready to begin our pageant , to which we have given the lighthearted title Islamic Wimbledon ! ’
41 The first author shows quite clearly that the idea of inference or mental perception is connected to an impression of " afterness " or subsequence , as are all the other uses with to which we have seen up to this point .
42 Indeed the type of ceremonial gift exchange to which we have referred seems to be based on egalitarian notions of reciprocity and sharing .
43 To a large degree this was due to the examples of famous churches such as Christ Church , Westminster Bridge Road , to which we have referred before .
44 Despite the positive results achieved by the mixed professional/ paraprofessional social service teams to which we have referred and the efforts being made in some countries to promote that model of service provision , little is being done in schools of social work to provide professional social workers with the type of skills needed for that kind of practice .
45 We seem here to have further evidence of the apparent paradox about creativity and psychosis to which we have referred several times .
46 In the appellant 's case his privilege against self incrimination was abrogated by the terms of the insolvency legislation to which we have referred .
47 There is an issue between the plaintiffs and the defendants as to whether the contractual provisions to which we have referred entitle the receivers to retain out of the moneys they have received ‘ costs , charges and expenses ’ which are of an unreasonable amount or which have been unreasonably incurred .
48 If that is right , the difficulty to which we have referred does not arise and we need not grapple with the implications of sub-rule ( 3 ) .
49 The pleadings in the case and the submissions made to the judge may indicate which of the decisions to which we have referred has been made .
50 The first part of this submission is answered by the arguments of Sir John Campbell A.-G. to which we have referred .
51 Brooke J. had to deal with a similar point in a different context in the recent case of In re X ( A Student ) , 11 November 1991 , to which we have referred .
52 Finally , while we certainly agree that the policy of the law in regard to the formalities for the creation and transmission of interests in land should be upheld , we have to acknowledge that that policy has been substantially modified by the developments to which we have referred
53 Our first and chief objective must be to prevent war by the maintenance of the Allied deterrent , to which we have begun to make our own substantial contribution .
54 Six Nocturnes are included and while hardly examples of the stylistic purity to which we have become accustomed in the post-Cortot era , are brilliantly alive with his own heady alternative .
55 We have just heard the usual mixture of muddle , confusion and gloom to which we have become accustomed from the hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) , who tries every year to prove that more equals less .
56 Non-verbal language — the use of space , gesture , facial expression , the understanding of symbol — is a vitally important part of drama to which we have to give careful attention if we are going to develop our work .
57 The German preoccupation with the theory of tragedy is bound up with a more general German admiration for Greece , to which we have alluded already .
58 The aim of science is truth , and , according to Lakatos , the methodology of research programmes provides the best means of assessing the extent to which we have succeeded in approaching it .
59 The increased qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers , to which we have agreed in the treaty , means that we must have a way of keeping our national Parliaments better informed than they are at present .
60 The view to which we have come is that the cause was part of a causal circumstance as conceived .
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