Example sentences of "to he [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He lay back by the open window with his eyes closed and the warm breathless air came to him just as in another cooler season heat fanned from the grid lower down the wall .
2 Fifteen years later , it became obvious that Lord Sagramoso was seducing the hereditary lords of neighbouring star systems — mainly agricultural ones — to turn preachers into compost and swear fealty to him rather than to a deity thirty thousand light years distant .
3 The accredited representatives of foreign States participating in the investigation should be attached to him rather than to a particular group , so that they have a complete appreciation of the whole picture .
4 As early as March or April 1330 Edward III was attempting to assert his independence of the regime at court and to build up a body of supporters loyal to him rather than to Mortimer and Isabella .
5 When it was announced by the State Department on 17 October that military equipment , including light bombers , was being supplied for the armed forces both of France and of the Associated States , it was a distinction without a difference because in practice it was the French who were in control : even if Bao Dai was insistent that the French officers who were to train the soldiers of the Vietnamese national army should be responsible directly to him rather than to the French High Command .
6 Readers attributed to Martyn a degree of responsibility for the content of the journal , and some sent their comments to him rather than to Oldenburg .
7 In short if you er ta er taking er Kennedy 's decision over Vietnam , if he decided to do nothing , this would have been very damaging to him politically because of the declared er policy of the global containment of communism and the expectations of his domestic public that the United States would take action to defend the free world wherever the free world was challenged without much questioning about what the free world actually was , I mean the fact that er er South Vietnam was run by a rather squalid dictatorship was neither here nor there erm so erm you have to er evaluate when you 're contemplating er actions of this kind what failure would mean in domestic political terms .
8 Subject to the requirements of any act or particular rule ( as to which see below ) any document may be served , if the person to be served is acting in person , by delivering it to him personally or by delivering it at , or sending it by first class post to , the address he has given for service .
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