Example sentences of "to he [prep] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But she was impatient of their return to the home she had created in endless sketches ; impatient too of Jacob 's incessant meetings with colleagues , with acolytes who sat transfixed , listening to him as if they were on their knees .
2 But Nick said , ‘ Hallo , Mister Johnny , ’ and went up to him as if it were the easiest and most natural thing in the world .
3 She was talking to him as if he was grown-up and it made him feel uncomfortable .
4 The people seemed friendly to him as if he often went there .
5 Everyone 's face was turned to him as if he was their last chance .
6 If you and your gran are as wise as you think you are , you 'll be as nice to him as if he was already a member of the family .
7 But the house , one of the rare examples of Sir John Soane 's domestic architecture , was pictured in so many books on the capital 's buildings that its elegant eccentricity was as familiar to him as if he commonly walked these streets and squares .
8 When he came , it was an anticlimax , but she squealed anyway and clung to him as if he 'd showered her with a gallon of spunk .
9 Fergus felt a surge of real anger now , because how dare she treat him as an inferior , how dare she speak to him as if he was no more than one of her serfs , a possession , a pawn , a thing .
10 This marriage was advantageous to him in that it introduced him into the local society but it was to last only three years , for in 1573 Jane died of smallpox at the age of 20 .
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