Example sentences of "to it with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet once he had started he applied his mind and industry to it with such vigour that he had mastered more books in that short space than any child before or since .
2 It was always the other way round , and when he found overnight fame , he clung to it with both hands and worried sometimes that it would go away again .
3 No one could have been better suited for the role , nor taken to it with more enthusiasm .
4 On the latter point the King felt the same confidence , although less reluctantly , and reacted to it with some lack of consideration by more or less commanding Baldwin not to leave the country for his annual expedition to Aix .
5 By the stage we define broadly as intermediate , learners are some way towards developing control of the language they are learning : their store of language has grown to a point where they can adapt , adjust and add to it with some facility ; they can transfer language use from one context to another ; they are building up more complex networks of language and the work we do in the classroom at this level is similarly more complex and less controlled .
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