Example sentences of "to be just as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Royal Family is showing itself to be just as vulnerable to social change as the rest of us .
2 But as the test is that A must use no more force than is necessary , and as this necessity varies with the facts of each case , self-help is likely to be just as dangerous a remedy here as elsewhere .
3 HSE experts in LASMO need to be just as skilful at managing money as in managing health , safety and environmental issues the conference heard .
4 The hall at Blackpool is ideally suited to rousing speeches but is totally wrong as the setting for a question-and-answer session — which proved to be just as appalling as I had feared .
5 Surely if Nick finds Clare attractive first thing in the morning , then nine o'clock at night out to be just as good ( or even better if you 're Clare ) ?
6 The good news is that , once you have given up smoking and sufficient time has elapsed for the nicotine to clear your system , your memory and mental ability is likely to be just as good as that of someone who has never smoked .
7 The pair gained rave reviews for their Belfast concert earlier this week and are likely to be just as good tomorrow night .
8 The classic realists could be shown to be just as transgressive and problematic as the modernists .
9 However , there is likely to be just as close a contest at Chambers Park where Portadown face Queen 's University .
10 This is to be just as dogmatic as relativists accuse religious people of being .
11 At first , finding P seems to be just as difficult as finding the two exchanges as P also moves four pieces .
12 The trading conditions for the Group 's business will continue to be just as difficult in the coming year as they were in 1992 , and will continue to provide us all with significant challenges and problems .
13 During the next year Sally fell in and out of love a half dozen times and each time it proved to be just as disastrous .
14 Some take a highly individualistic approach , regarding child abuse and neglect as primarily the actions of particular persons ; others adopt a broader perspective , seeing poverty , disadvantage and exploitation to be just as abusive as individual cruelties .
15 Many of the actions performed by many women , according to the misogynists he likes to write about , are performed by many men , and many ugly people would appear to be just as happy , and just as emotionally fulfilled , as many lovely ones .
16 People who had said — during another part of the interview — that they preferred the smallest possible individual instalments turned out to be just as likely to switch to a shorter repayment schedule ( given lower APR and credit costs ) as people who had said they preferred the shortest possible repayment schedule .
17 In class warfare , for instance , oppressed people easily find themselves claiming to be just as noble or gentlemanly as their supposed betters , without properly criticising existing ideas of nobility or gentility .
18 Similarly the A11 between Thetford and Norwich is likely to be just as old as the nearby so-called Icknield Way , but we do not know , nor is there any way of finding out .
19 The polar habitats we see today are likely to be just as transitory as those that preceded them .
20 IRMA LA DOUCE promises to be just as vital and exciting as Century Theatre 's fabulous production of CABARET last year .
21 Whose name the place is in does n't matter very much ; what 's more important is how long the marriage has lasted , what contributions each of you has made ( not just financial — the law considers the home-maker who brings up the children to be just as important as the breadwinner who brings home the money ) , and probably the most important factor , the future of the children .
22 It seems to be just as important to show the child what is happening when he or she makes an " informed " contextual guess in reading .
23 Cultural attributes ( English language skills , style of life , adoption of US or European rather than local ‘ attitudes and values ’ ) appear to be just as important as more formal job skills in the promotion of women as well as men in the TNCs in developing countries .
24 The widower strikes no such fear into the heart , even though , in reality , he may turn out to be just as big a responsibility .
25 A losing attitude will be one that says , ‘ Today is going to be just as bad as yesterday — boring , hard work and uninteresting . ’
26 I 'm sure the England side are going to be just as tough though , are n't they ?
27 The theme which Dodd points to was just as common when the 1904 regulations were established .
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