Example sentences of "to be [pron] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , a lot of contemporary architects have been influenced by the Gropius school of thought which maintains that architects should allow a building to be what it wants to be , rather than imposing any character or theme upon it .
2 That is , we may take the " message " of an utterance to be what it conveys about " the real world " .
3 A basic interest in questions about the meaning and purpose of life ( a ) to challenge secularist assumptions and to appreciate that religious truth-claims can not be easily dismissed ; ( b ) to understand what is distinctive about religion , that is , what it essentially concerns , and be able to distinguish between that and features of it which can vary and perhaps be dispensed with altogether ; ( c ) to realize in particular in how many different ways religion can masquerade as something else , and fail to be what it claims to be ; ( d ) to appreciate the highly controversial nature of religion and of almost everything that is said about it by anyone , whether religious or not ; ( e ) to have a firm grasp of criteria by which to evaluate precise examples and manifestations of religion in practice ; ( f ) to appreciate the force of the question-mark with regard to the ultimate divide between religion and non-religion , and to appreciate the reality of the dilemma , and the ways in which religion needs to be questioned for its failures , negative attitudes , hypocrisy and externalism .
4 They are that the public expect Britain to be defended and want Labour to be what it has been for most of its history — a party prepared to provide resources commensurate with defending this country .
5 It is also quite clear that neither clients nor designers can predict precisely how system environment will be affected by the new system.under these circumstances the best strategy appears to be one which provides opportunities for all those involved to learn from experience as the system development and operation progresses .
6 But because the weight of explanation is preponderantly biological rather than cultural or social , it may be that women 's moral perspective will continue to be one which reflects a distinctive range of values .
7 Today , however , the cathedral organist is more likely to be one who has been successively an organ scholar , a university graduate and a sub-organist at a cathedral .
8 were almost erm okay just like that , I mean there were one or two very good ones , I think there was one that was just about like that with the odd word and when an editor receives something like you , you know , it 's usually going to be something he wants to change very slightly , erm that , those were the best ones , there were in general however you have n't yet got used to the idea of editing .
9 No it 's got to be somebody who has n't had a go , otherwise the system falls down , does n't it .
10 It has to be somebody who knows , is connected with or in a position to observe the victim and the family . ’
11 No it needs to be somebody who 's connected with Nottinghamshire .
12 It needs to be somebody who 's got something to do with Nottinghamshire .
13 And an adherent of the church is understood in the highland region , the largest single local government area in the European Community to be someone who attends worship regularly .
14 ‘ He attempted to make a swing , but appeared to be someone who does n't play the game . ’
15 Golding makes his character , Jack , out to be someone who wants to kill an animal to release his anger and violence .
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