Example sentences of "to the [noun] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The Commission 's report was perhaps the turning point , for while it paid respect to the management it found ‘ to be totally dedicated to the railway with a high degree of pride in the service which came before financial reward in importance ’ , it made thought-provoking recommendations about management style and the need to set clearer financial objectives .
2 Iraq did not manage to immobilize Iran 's oil-production apparatus on a scale similar to the damage it had itself sustained in 1980 .
3 As Willis went to the afterhatch it struck him that Dreadnought was rather low in the water , almost on a level with Grace .
4 ‘ When I took it to the beach it went brrmm , brrmm , up and down the sandhills . ’
5 For studying the economy it matters little whether the population of England in the 1520s had recovered to the level it had reached before the Black Death .
6 Historically , the rural railway line brought life to the areas it served .
7 He was rehearsing Sir Toby Belch in Twelfth Night and the lines had fled ; what he hung on to was the physical business , and when he did some of it to the mirror it seemed poor stuff for the old Living Boomerang .
8 It was less passive and more assertive , determined to hold on to the powers it had reclaimed from the executive in both foreign and domestic policy .
9 A false indication was given as to the mileage it had covered .
10 The Confederation of British Industry said this was close to the Budget it had asked for , with increased export credits , the advance corporation tax ( ACT ) question addressed and smaller firms helped .
11 He had heard of me from some of his colleagues and asked to see me to discuss the Labour Party 's decision in relation to the litigation it had brought , with my guidance , against the Manchester Guardian as a result of the leaks from the National Executive .
12 A B&Q spokesman said last night : ‘ Because our store was the closest to the viaduct it took the full force of the blast and it could well be that we are talking of a complete demolition .
13 Then you can either put it back on to the soil it came from or , before doing this , keep it for a day or two in a small container lined with damp paper tissue .
14 And a large part of what it was teaching to the Germans it had learned from the Romans .
15 Yet this piece has much that is freshly inventive and original , even if these were epithets that , alas , did not readily spring to mind with regard to the performance it received .
16 But the NEC said that all the associations had performed poorly in relation to the criteria it had set for them .
17 Therefore in considering the degree to which any er area can assimilate a new settlement , the size which it must reach subsequent to two thousand and six , should be considered in addition to the size it expected to reach by that date .
18 The opening yards of the passage — if we should call such an accidental meeting of two surfaces a ‘ passage ’ gave no clue to the horror it held in its depths .
19 Therefore the Australian move to make whaling more humane was in fact a move to get back to the way it had been after a serious deterioration .
20 Thornton , on the other hand , understood a lot about the caring side of capitalism , but was firmly wedded to the way it operated .
21 But its failure was due not primarily to the way it performed its functions , but to the nature of those functions .
22 As the garrison watched him from the shelter of the verandah they could tell that the rain was having a bad effect on him ; he clearly did not like the way it beat on his head and shoulders raising a fine spray ; nor did he seem partial to the way it poured down the neck of his shirt and coursed down his trouser legs .
23 ‘ A year to the day it lasted .
24 Under the December agreement , the French government would repay $1,000 million to Iran , additional to the $630,000,000 it had already repaid .
25 For the opening years of the sixth decade ‘ R&B was King ’ — thanks , not least , to the popularity it had enjoyed among the troops .
26 She had to cross the road again to get back to their apartment ; now that her eyes were used to the darkness it seemed as bright as day out of doors , and her blue cotton dress incandescent white .
27 Returning to the circuit it became apparent that it would be wise to fly a larger pattern than normal for a microlight type aircraft , because of the good glide ratio , and I was advised to throttle back and fly at around 45 knots .
28 To the layman it seemed that a decreasing service was being provided at increasing expense .
29 To the north it extended beyond the Sava and Danube , to take in the sultan 's newly conquered lands in Hungary and Transylvania .
30 To the north the Corridor had a sea coast of 76 km ; to the south it had the river Notec and the Notec canal .
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