Example sentences of "to the [noun] [verb] its " in BNC.

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1 In so deciding , he had to take into account the fact that it was plain that Wickes would , unless restrained , continue to act in contravention of section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 ; and that , in practical terms , proceedings by way of injunction were the only means open to the council to perform its duty to enforce the provisions of section 47 .
2 Indeed , as administrator Myra Hickey points out , when the Labour council was elected in 1986 one of its manifesto commitments had been to bring back the festival which had been absent for the previous two years owing to the council reclaiming its original site .
3 Their entry to the EC expanded its population by over 60 million people .
4 The utility that would have been obtained with certainty prior to the union setting its monopoly wage rate must now be modified to take into account the uncertainty that is introduced with the unemployment probability .
5 What is significant for understanding why to is used with the infinitive of reaction is that the notion of " evaluation " implies a judgement as to whether the event was opportune or not , and this judgement involves an implicit reference to the situation as it existed before the infinitive event occurred , i.e. to the factors making its occurrence either opportune or inopportune .
6 It was assisted when , in a period before " Baker days " , the local authority agreed to the school having its own in-service training days .
7 In June similar skill is needed to strip some of the leaves from the vine to allow the sun to penetrate to the fruit to improve its richness .
8 To control the power keep the sail low and close to the water to decrease its effective area and slide one or both feet into the straps whilst lying in the water .
9 At birth the mother will help her calf to the surface to gain its first breath , taking about 10 seconds to do so .
10 When a dolphin becomes trapped in a net , it drowns because it is unable to get back to the surface to refill its lungs when the supply of air runs out .
11 You 're in the mood for a long spell at the crease , but the penis decides that it ca n't wait to get the game over and done with before heading back to the pavilion to put its feet up on the couch .
12 A German crew belonging to Elektro Thermit of Essen are welding a strip of manganese steel on to the rail to extend its life .
13 On April 10 a group of around 240 Ethiopian academics had submitted a petition to the government demanding its resignation and the creation of a " provisional caretaker government " , to be followed by multiparty elections under international supervision .
14 MPs today begin investigating the events which led to the Government dropping its golden share in Jaguar and the subsequent deal to sell the company to Ford .
15 A further inhibiting factor on the Home Secretary 's freedom of action is the pressure on Parliamentary time available to the Government to get its legislative programme enacted .
16 Muldoon , who had won 59 per cent of the vote in Tamaki in the 1990 general election [ for which see pp. 37781-82 ] , had resigned his seat in protest at the economic , health and social welfare policies of Prime Minister Jim Bolger [ see p. 38676 ] , and had appealed to voters to send a message to the government to change its ways .
17 If the government sells bonds to the public to finance its activity , who bears the burden ?
18 A committee has now been set up to lobby for the restoration of the medieval paving and an invitation has been issued to the public to show its support by sponsoring a brick at L10,000 a time ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p. 13 ) .
19 The Shorts 360 comes into its own in the summer season , with frequent bus-stop services between the major islands , and it carries out some charters to the mainland to improve its utilisation .
20 … particular care must be taken before stigmatising a decision as one at which no reasonable person could have arrived , for this is coming dangerously close to the court substituting its own discretion for that of the tribunal .
21 The cause or matter in question was the application to the court to exercise its powers under the Allied Forces Act and the order , and to deliver the appellant to the Dutch military authorities .
22 A large chemical , pharmaceutical or engineering company may require more legal services in relation to the law affecting its manufacturing operations , e.g. environmental , health and safety , and patent law ; a large company in the financial services sector would place an emphasis on the law regulating the provision of financial services .
23 This subjective nature of an odour is one of the many problems facing a complainant who turns to the law seeking its abatement .
24 It returns to the sea to lay its eggs , but otherwise it is entirely at home on land .
25 The USA had been withholding agreement to the guarantees to indicate its displeasure with the absence of progress towards a peace settlement .
26 Understanding British Industry ( UBI ) has recently contracted to the DTI to manage its pilot Teacher Secondment Programme , but has long been active iii the field and produces regular publications .
27 Third-World countries appealed to the USA to reconsider its stand , saying that unless it did so , countries which had not signed the Montreal protocol would be unable to do so , rendering efforts to save the ozone layer fruitless .
28 In the regions where the drift to the south had its origins , new strategies were being adopted .
29 Conflict has also led to the UGT pursuing its own parallel negotiations with management , at times outside the formal negotiating structure .
30 If you can not get hold of ripe red tomatoes , add one tablespoon of tomato purée to the soup to improve its colour .
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