Example sentences of "to the [noun] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Amendment has now been made to the legislation to ensure that the time for raising and answering enquiries is calculated correctly .
2 The Council 's decision to scrap the tradition in regard to the diaconate suggested that the same tradition in regard to the priesthood could equally well be abandoned if it was pastorally desirable .
3 By summonses dated 16 October , against each plaintiff , the defendants sought a declaration that in the circumstances the English court had no jurisdiction over the defendants in respect of the subject matter of the claim or the relief or remedy sought and an order that the action be dismissed on the grounds that the defendants were domiciled in Scotland for the purposes of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 and that Schedule 4 to the Act provided that the defendants should , subject to exceptions which were not applicable , be sued in the courts of Scotland .
4 In October Mr. Johnson , the resident surgeon and secretary of Bedford Infirmary , wrote to the guardians saying that a special meeting of the governors of the infirmary would be held to consider the exclusion of smallpox patients from the Fever Hospital ( which had been established there in 1847 ) .
5 There was no increase in lysosomal enzyme activity after the addition of Triton X-100 to the supernatant suggesting that supernatant enzymes were in the free form — that is , not membrane bound .
6 On September 21 , 1945 , he wrote to the defendants saying that rent must be paid at the full rate and claiming that arrears amounting to £7,916 were due .
7 But until changes in the registration of women 's occupation were introduced in 1986 there was a major difference between men and women : ‘ At the registration of the death of a child … the instructions to the registrars specify that the occupation … of a woman should not be recorded unless she has been in employment for most of her adult life . ’
8 The transfer of ILEA responsibilities to the council meant that future decisions around integration and children would be mainly the brief of the new Education Committee .
9 Mr Fred Pritchard a member of a firm of fruit merchants has written to the Council suggesting that members of the trade petition the Watch Committee to consider Thom 's position with a full knowledge of the facts .
10 Further discussion with Buckingham resulted in a report to the Council commenting that the College representatives had presented ‘ a low level of academic argument ’ .
11 Festival is delighted to welcome to the Guinness Spot that legendary clarinettist Peanuts Hucko , whose career reads like a who 's who of jazz luminaries .
12 The argument to the contrary holds that the legislation merely removes the proceeds of copyright and not the offender 's proprietary interest itself .
13 It fell to the BDA to ensure that the new breed of social workers with the deaf were motivated and equipped for their specialist task , and , particularly — that they were able to communicate with members of the deaf community , for which knowledge of British Sign Language ( BSL ) is essential .
14 In such a case , it is up to the complainant to show that the damage or injury was due to the manufacturer 's negligence .
15 It will come as no surprise to the Minister to hear that we have always taken the view that safety representatives are at their best when backed by a trade union , of whose resources and training they are able to take advantage .
16 It is therefore no legal answer to the ejectment to say that the contingency provided for has not happened .
17 So when I 've finished the first draft , I go back to the beginning to check that it all hangs together .
18 The World Wide Fund for Nature is to launch extensive monitoring programme of the North Sea after video cameras supervising an underwater cable-laying operation from Germany to the Shetlands revealed that the sea bottom resembled " a lunar landscape " bereft of life .
19 For instance , a limitation or exclusion of liability could be justified by a preamble or postscript to the clause explaining that its purpose is to limit liability so as to enable the person protected by it to obtain insurance cover , and thus keep its costs down : In order to enable the Seller to insure against its liability under this contract , the Seller 's liability in respect of any defect in the goods or any loss caused by such defect is limited to £n ; the Buyer must bear the risk of any loss in excess of £n and should insure against such loss .
20 A telephone call to the Grand confirmed that the Swans , who were from the Forest of Arden and thus constituents of Sir Ralph Grunte , had a double room on the first floor .
21 Over 75% of respondents to the survey said that distribution and hotline services were good ( Tiptree and Penguin were consistently singled out for special praise ) , and that wholesalers were outstandingly efficient .
22 Most respondents to the survey said that Christmas catalogues were valuable , while conceding that it was difficult to quantify their effect on sales .
23 The large mining conglomerate responding to the survey wrote that none of its sectors made appointments using headhunters frequently ; but , on the other hand , the government service organisation questioned spoke of particular usage of search in finance , marketing and information technology .
24 A large investment conglomerate replying to the survey suggested that the main advantage of employing headhunters occurred ‘ when the position to be filled is sensitive internally and externally ’ .
25 The shop manager agreed to the transaction provided that the bank agreed that the cheques were acceptable .
26 When in 1566 the Queen was hesitating about a grant to the Earl of Leicester , then away from court , John Dudley wrote to the earl suggesting that Mrs Blanche Parry , one of the ladies-in-waiting , be approached .
27 In another sense , however , the research could be interpreted as pointing to the necessity to ensure that , once crossed , the threshold of removal should lead to a particular , compensatory form of care in recognition of the child 's maternal loss .
28 In February 1987 a mass petition was presented to the Queen asking that a referendum be held in Northern Ireland to determine whether the agreement should continue .
29 The rejection notice attached to the DC suggested that if , instead of modifying one of the public data structures of the module , a new data structure was defined and used , then all would be well .
30 In 1989 the Supreme Court had assisted employers to defend themselves by ruling that it was up to the worker to prove that such practices did not constitute a " business necessity " .
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